09-14-2020, 06:44 AM
(09-13-2020, 05:20 PM)Wanderer Seven Wrote:(09-13-2020, 02:21 PM)dexter101 Wrote:(09-13-2020, 01:53 PM)Ymarsakar Wrote: dexter that does look dark, but likely due to lack of current intel. Please take a look at corey goode, john desouza, laura eisenhower, or portal2012 blog.
If an agent came to these forums, likely few if anyobe would recognize it. They might even be confused for the members that pere complained about
unfortunately I do not trust the people you have mentioned. i have read too many bad things about them.sorry.
Those who have been attacked the most, like David Wilcock, Corey Goode, J Desouza, Laura E. , have been attacked because they speak truth. If you allow those who write ‘bad things’ about others to control you, you are being controlled. It is far better to listen to those who are most attacked and discern what is truth. The light attracts the dark. Remember how Don, Carla, and Jim attracted a fifth density STS or negative being by channeling Ra. So do those who offer truth in this time of warfare get attacked by some who make an appearance of false positivity. These are dreadful times, as the forces of domination and control have all stops out to enslave the world and prevent the people from awakening and becoming free of their control systems. So, the best thing is to understand. The international banks, the global elites are feeling their agenda threatened. They have used humanity for a long time, taking advantage of our water nature, from session 88.
...” Your own nature is water in that you as mind/body/spirit complexes are easily impressed and moved. Indeed, this is the very fiber and nature of your journey and vigil in this density: to not only be moved but to instruct yourself as to the preferred manner of your movement in mind, body, and spirit.“
There is a big trap which needs to be kept in mind. And it becomes very obvious as soon as a little logic is applied.
The messages of various well-known people who are prominently attacked do not add up, logically. Put it all together and you end up with a pile of contradictions. This shows that it cannot all, it cannot even mostly, be the truth. Some of it can, but logically, not more than a small portion.
If "being under attack" is seen as enough reason for something to represent the best and greatest, then all that negative forces need to do is to attack some bogus stuff to make it seem totally great. I think this happens a lot. A bit of careful reflection is generally in order... But note that I do not claim that any particular item listed by Ymarsakar is generally false! I'm only discussing the general ideas here.
Montalk Wrote:Attacks can sometimes serve as false confirmation in order to cattle-prod the paranoid into clutching more tightly onto their deceptive belief system, such as devout Catholics receiving demonic attacks because they are easily herded this way and fed upon. For those on the right track, attacks are far more sophisticated; they seek to undermine faith and pressure one into committing self-sabotage.For an article giving some nice pointers for a more well-rounded view:
And keep in mind that attack is catalyst, and works just like catalyst does in general. It can be used to grow positively and/or negatively. I've seen examples of how controlling people have used ever-increasing attack against them as a tool to create a paranoid us vs. them hive-mind for both themselves and to pull their followers into, separating them from the world outside that reality-bubble. Attack can hinder and/or further a variety of higher-level plans and lower-level agendas.