09-13-2020, 05:35 PM
(09-13-2020, 05:20 PM)Wanderer Seven Wrote: A great example is also the claim that human use of fossil fuel, by adding carbon dioxide we are creating a climate crisis. This is utter nonsense. This the greatest mass delusion of our time. Since the media has repeated for years that there is a consensus in science (there isn’t) and that it’s “settled.” False. So there is much deception of the masses. What the STS elites fear most is public awakening. Fear of climate change, fear of this person, that person. Don’t be manipulated.
The ironic thing is that our planet has far so long sequestered CO2, that plants are struggling. The climate is always changing due to various cycles, Milankovic cycles, solar cycles, and in a CO2 famine, the elites now want to herd us and control us by a falsehood, that we have to stop CO2 emissions. There is a backlash building among a large number of honest scientists (https://clintel.org for one example) but if you listen to NPR, etc. they are “deniers” ... it’s an Orwellian world indeed. We need to learn how to discern!
Hmmm.... i don't really know anything about CO2 and it's impact on the environment. With that being said, what do you say about littering and oil spills? I see people litter all the time, and that is certainly causing issues for our environment. We cut down acres upon acres upon acres of rainforest for lumber.......
I don't know. To me it's sort of clear that we "abuse" our planet, whether that be from CO2 or not. We take what we want from it without considering that we are in fact all One.