09-12-2020, 03:09 PM
(09-11-2020, 06:00 PM)Ymarsakar Wrote: Hello fellow occult seeker. I would like to describe who or what i Am but i am told constantly not to do that. So you ll have to verify what i am saying yourself.
I am familiar with orion 4th 5th 6th density sts agents.
If you find yourself in contact again, tell them ymarsakar s higher self is waiting for them to return to the central sun, the lake of fire. You will get an interesting reaction. If they keep playing games, state that on y m a r s a k a r authority, this area is consecrated and blessed. Use yourself as the portal or anchor relay. As i cannot remote project consciously via astral or ethereal. You repeat that 3 times and give them plenty of free will warning. If they still have the energy to play, summon my higher self directly to deal with the situation. This is not a remote magic by me, it is you opening a portal to my home realm and authorizing a direct divine intervention. Surprisingly this has worked wonders wh
en empath psychic healers tried it, when they missed an entity attachment.
Such 'games' can sometimes be harmless, sometimes not. I'd recommend people to call on their own higher selves for guidance instead of using the higher self of anyone else as an intermediary.
If Ymarsakar's higher self is truly involved in something worthwhile for your own higher being to "team up with" more actively, your own higher self will know. Therefore, there's no reason to bypass your own higher self. Harmless or not, to do so is a security slip.