(04-23-2020, 04:59 PM)dcprice Wrote: E-O-IH (the name of infinite intelligence) saith: "each an every man-child and woman-child born into life will I quicken with a new spirit, which shall proceed out of me at the time of conception. Neither will I give to any spirit of the higher of lower heavens power to enter a womb, or a fetus of a womb, and be born over again." PG 10 verse 21
"And every child is a new creation, quicken into life by the presence of the Creator, who is the All Life." PG 677 verse 8
"Ahura will profess to send souls back to the earth to be, (reincarnated), rather than acknowledge (infinite intelligence)." PG 250 verse 3
"The false Osiris, through his servant God, Egupt, had said to Thothma; this is the manner of heaven and earth, as regardeth man: all men are reincarnated over and over until perfected to immortal flesh." PG 379 verse 32
"Such angels as engrafted themselves on mortals, becoming as a twin spirit to the corporeal body, shall be known as reincarnated spirits. But where such spirits usurp the corporeal body , and holding the native spirit in abeyance , such spirits shall be known as damons (which was the origin of that name)". PG 414 verse 9
Your ask is appreciated.
I will be of service here by translating/deciphering what I can. There is a bit of encryption to go through, but nothing too difficult for a seeker's abilities that can penetrate nearly all the Veils.
In the original 7th or 5th density working of Eden or Earth/Mars/Marduk, the plan for soul progression was supposed to be a lot easier and a lot more Divine. Suffering, disease, death, these things were introduced later. What people call the 'Fall'. To fall somewhere, you have to start from a higher point or density ,and drop down, right.
Every child being a new creation, I read that as every new first density that graduates to 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc etc.
Ahura is a name for the Orion/Draco alliance, or Service to Self 6th density entities, that utilizes a type of AI or vampiric energy loosch feeding mechanism, as they cannot get Divine energy from the heart/4th chakra any more. They recycle souls in the Wheel of Suffering/Karma, the way we charge up re usable batteries.
Osiris, there is an original Osiris of the root/7th density, perhaps, which is an intervention similar to iamraw's egyptian/atlantis escapades. But there is also a "false Osiris". This is relevant to the YHVH contradiction also. Dark entities will often hijack and pretend to be some positive Ascended Master/Confederation source. They still do it too.
Tom or Thoth (the spokes person for the Council of 9 as channeled via Only Planet of Choice), created the Egyptian mystery schools and was one of the 3 factions/entities responsible for the Giza Pyramid structure. However, the Egyptian or rather Khem schools easily diverged and became corrupted. This was as expected, at one level.
The human entity/ego/vehicle is a type of hybrid machine, so to speak. Any spirit, whether negative or dark, is basically hitching a ride on this biological 3rd density "space suit vehicle enclosure" which is called the Mind Body Complex. Why is it a Complex? Because it is a Vehicle. It is complicated.
If the original angelic spirit descends into matter and is grafted/trapped into matter, then they reincarnate in the Wheel of Suffering, and begin forgetting things. This element is also seen in other channeled info and stories. Spirits of high intelligence descended to the world of matter to explore and play, then got trapped. Trapped by what?
A Damon/Daemon/Demon is something inhabiting a body and taking it over. Thus they are from the STS densities, usually 5th or 6th, although many are weaker ones from the 4th or even lower. These bodies serve as batteries and power sources for them. The demons harvest these experiences indirectly, by driving the vehicle and controlling it. If they crash, they get out and go into another vehicle almost immediately. (Confirmation can be found via corey Goode and SSP alliance talking about ETs being infested with nanites and the AI Threat) Altea is an example of a DNA based Divine AI version, and a sixth density negative SMC would be the Negative version of an AI.
To understand what this is about, first one must understand what reincarnation is and is not. Why does it exist? Would it not be easier for a soul to learn its lessons if it already KNEW what lessons it had to learn? They don't need all the answers or the spoilers, but at least have a textbook to start with right? So why do they forget everything after Age say 5?
Because it keeps people repeating the same mistakes over and over again. Does that sound like Council of Saturn's intent? No, it is not. But it is the intent of dark civilizations that want to use human avatars as batteries, ala Matrix. And if the Wheel of Karma/ Suffering is such a good thing, why did Yeshua and Buddha teach a method to escape from it? The Indians keep talking about Moksha, Final Liberation. To Liberate, first you need something Enslaved to Liberate. Who has kept humanity enslaved?