08-30-2020, 09:14 AM
(08-28-2020, 01:46 PM)Eddie Wrote: Once when I was at Carla's house, she talked about her memories of life before this incarnation, how she was at some sort of learning institution (presumably in 5th or 6th density), when the call went out for volunteers to come to earth to help. I wish I could remember the details, as they would impinge directly on your inquiry.
I think that type of vision (to use looser wording) can come from the soul, as a way of explaining something in concrete-enough terms to make it easy for a 3D being to relate to it.
If it had been explained in more direct translation from the higher-density reality, then it may have arrived in 3D as an abstract soup not at all possible to "live" in the imagination.
The differences may include space and time as we know them here, all the qualia of our senses and all structured experience built using them, and the nature of beings and environments and actions and interactions. I think the unimaginable is replaced with an analogy which fits nicely into the human imagination.