How interesting. When I was getting into what is 12th grade here and called in france, terminale (!) like it's your last year of education , if you were in the literature section you would study philosophy in some sort of attempted depth. At the time, ( I was a nerd) I was discovering buddhism and was really attracted to physics because it seemed in my mind to be linked somehow to buddhism, and I remember having sometimes discussion with our philosophy teacher why physics were more interesting than philosophy, being less of an airbag. Pretty arrogant of me lol That wouldn't go too well. On most of the weekly philosophical essays we were supposed to give back , I would get back an annotation of 'Interesting, but no' and a grade like 9 out of 20, which is probably a C. lol, I still remember her voice and she didn't wash herself much, nobody wanted to sit on the first row, next to her desk.
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