With me it is more than just seeing the particles generally dispersed throughout the field.
This is a cut and paste from my blog:
Visual Description of the Particles
When my attention is ‘zoomed out’ I see the particles generally, spread through my entire field of vision. With this view they are quite small, colorful, moving multi-colored pinpoints of light. When my attention pans around, or perhaps into a particular space, certain of the particles will jump out at me. Flashing themselves brighter, and bigger, typically in one prominent hue roughly the size of the head of a pin; a good 20x larger than the ones that are not jumping out. When my attention ‘zooms in’, isolating a particular particle, this is when it starts getting interesting because my attention can go in and look inside.
The view of the particles changes dramatically with each new dimension I see into. In 2D I typically see a flat, motionless, perfectly circular formation of bright light [ as though back lit, really bright ] with tiny pinpoints of light in its center—possibly white, or golden, or any other single solid color, approximately the size of the head of a medium sized nail. 2D is not totally impressive, but they are seen! In 3D they appear rainbow colored, have depth, and although perfectly stationary move within themselves like a kaleidoscope- sometimes flashing symbols.
In 4D they turn inside out and all around on themselves, and be ready if you make an attempt yourself to see them because they draw you in at this point. This is when I begin seeing them patterning out into long chains and spirals -as I go in- and also when I begin to lose consciousness. I do not recall consciously ever making it beyond seeing them do this. But at this point feel as though merging with the long chain and about to go on a roller coaster ride. I have never done well with roller coasters.
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This is a cut and paste from my blog:
Visual Description of the Particles
When my attention is ‘zoomed out’ I see the particles generally, spread through my entire field of vision. With this view they are quite small, colorful, moving multi-colored pinpoints of light. When my attention pans around, or perhaps into a particular space, certain of the particles will jump out at me. Flashing themselves brighter, and bigger, typically in one prominent hue roughly the size of the head of a pin; a good 20x larger than the ones that are not jumping out. When my attention ‘zooms in’, isolating a particular particle, this is when it starts getting interesting because my attention can go in and look inside.
The view of the particles changes dramatically with each new dimension I see into. In 2D I typically see a flat, motionless, perfectly circular formation of bright light [ as though back lit, really bright ] with tiny pinpoints of light in its center—possibly white, or golden, or any other single solid color, approximately the size of the head of a medium sized nail. 2D is not totally impressive, but they are seen! In 3D they appear rainbow colored, have depth, and although perfectly stationary move within themselves like a kaleidoscope- sometimes flashing symbols.
In 4D they turn inside out and all around on themselves, and be ready if you make an attempt yourself to see them because they draw you in at this point. This is when I begin seeing them patterning out into long chains and spirals -as I go in- and also when I begin to lose consciousness. I do not recall consciously ever making it beyond seeing them do this. But at this point feel as though merging with the long chain and about to go on a roller coaster ride. I have never done well with roller coasters.
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