What Patrick and Glow just said - put together. ♥︎ ( no argument )
When psi, or siddhis are pursued, let's say ahead of the curve, and as the principle point of focus - yes we are engaging in what is a distraction *to awakening.
When an awakening being, due to the awakening, the wider awareness, greater energy actualizes this in the form of what we now call psi-abilities - it is simply nature and the natural course of what often gets called graduation. At this point distraction is still possible, if the awakening one comes off the balance point, begins tipping more heavily into the new ability without the benefit of being grounded in what is more fundamentally taking place. It can be a dance, and for each one to be alert to within themself. —We come here, yes, and we also g r a d u a t e from here *sometimes while awake, aware and in the body.
Knowing where we are in the process is the trick to understanding the seeming dichotomy.
When psi, or siddhis are pursued, let's say ahead of the curve, and as the principle point of focus - yes we are engaging in what is a distraction *to awakening.
When an awakening being, due to the awakening, the wider awareness, greater energy actualizes this in the form of what we now call psi-abilities - it is simply nature and the natural course of what often gets called graduation. At this point distraction is still possible, if the awakening one comes off the balance point, begins tipping more heavily into the new ability without the benefit of being grounded in what is more fundamentally taking place. It can be a dance, and for each one to be alert to within themself. —We come here, yes, and we also g r a d u a t e from here *sometimes while awake, aware and in the body.
Knowing where we are in the process is the trick to understanding the seeming dichotomy.