08-22-2020, 05:19 PM
First let me clarify that I wasn't directly addressing you in most of my post, Diana. When I refer to anti-maskers, I am talking about people who literally think that you and I both are sheep who bend to every whim of the government because we are wearing a mask. I know for a fact that this isn't the case for either of us.
I understand this concept and this is why I also don't read much news. However, there is still an objective reality that we agree exists. I have an idea of what is happening in other countries re: the pandemic because I've heard personal testimony from others, not because I'm reading the news and believing everything the media says. Like I said, to me it comes down to simple germ theory. Something is killing us. It's not killing people in other countries at the same rate. There is one main variable.
What they have actually found is that COVID attacks the blood vessels, and most people who have extreme symptoms experience that in the lungs and have breathing problems. There are many people who have *brain damage* after having COVID, and that's not likely from the treatment. Also, we'd have more cases of people being intubated or whatever treatment you say is causing all of this harm from other ailments having these complications. This just doesn't ring true to me. I've seen personal testimony from healthy people getting COVID and being weakened for months afterwards.
It doesn't really serve me or allow me to serve others believing that everything about COVID is a lie, or that over 100,000 deaths have been faked or fudged. This is global and there would have to be way too many people in on the great lie to pull this off. Occam's Razor tells me it's much more likely we're experiencing a global pandemic caused by improper utilization of animal agriculture. I actually am shocked that you don't see the direct correlation, as almost all of our pandemics and communicable diseases have come from animals and the objectively disgusting spaces that must be maintained to farm and slaughter them.
Do you think there's a reason why the US has many, many, many times more infections and deaths than almost every other countries? Have you compared and contrasted the responses of the "successful" countries with what the US has done?
I've seen a wide range of attitudes as well, but the anti-mask rhetoric is so very often one-dimensional. Whether I'm idealistic or judgemental, I don't know. These are my honest feelings. Isn't it just as judgemental to say that people have more suspicion in their eyes, and therefore are less trustworthy because half of their face is covered? I understand why you feel that way, but can't you see that it might be more of a symptom of your lack of regular interaction with others, and your own distrust of the situation, rather than an actual negative vibe that is being perpetuated?
I have seen very, very little good-faith questioning of the idea of wearing a mask. I truly understand why you are skeptical but it doesn't resonate with me to dismiss anything I haven't explicitly experienced myself. I try to take feedback from the objective reality and put it through my own discernment, and I'm sharing my own conclusions. Most anti maskers say they don't wear masks because it shows that they are afraid, but then speak of being afraid of the government. People say it's a hoax, but then also say it only affects the weakest of the population. People say the government is lying to us to make us scared, but our president is publicly a COVID denier, but privately gets tested every single day and forces those who meet with him to get a test before they do. The contradictions are far too overwhelming to keep up with. Once I would like to see someone pull off a cohesive narrative re: this "conspiracy" but I've not seen anything close.
I'm not anti-conspiracy. I don't trust the government. I realize that there is a lot of money on both sides trying to push their preferred narrative for their own financial gain. I don't have control over that. All I have control over is my response and my actions. I'm going to behave as if this is actually a global pandemic that is killing people because so far, the proof is in that pudding far more than any other. I know that no matter what, the narrative is going to be hijacked so that people can make more money. We live in a capitalistic oligarchy and those in charge have a ton of control over what people believe. I just want to choose the narrative and actions that exhibit the most compassion for others.
I don't watch the media so I don't know if the media is the one primarily pushing the mask rhetoric. All I see is people arguing about it in the internet spaces I frequent (mostly Law of One related) and making big posts proclaiming their stance on wearing masks (usually the large proclamations come from those who refuse to wear masks). And almost always those posts are full of fear and projection. Colorado Springs is hardly an open and welcoming place, but I've found that if I carry that energy with me, people respond in kind. This isn't meant to be judgy or accusatory, this is just what I've learned from my many many many hours of interacting with strangers in public as a lifelong waitress. Our own energy that we project leads the energy we receive from others. I personally feel like people have been far more polite in recent months. In fact, the biggest trouble makers are the ones who refuse to wear a mask in a public space and attack and harass the low-wage employees who are just trying to enforce what they believe to be a basic public safety protocol. There are far more people who are anti-mask throwing angry temper tantrums than there are people who are pro-mask, at least from what I've seen.
Maybe you don't know anyone who has had COVID yet, or died from it. I know several people who have had it and know others who have had close family die. It's just so bizarre that people don't want to take it seriously so the only rational explanation I can find is that it's denial. We want everything to go back to normal so it's easier to ignore what's happening than to accept making changes in our daily experience. If we consent to changing our behavior, we are consenting to the reality that has changed. I understand people are resistant and hesitant to do this. The world is quite scary and we all need to be making different choices to put it on a new trajectory, and we need to stop blaming institutions and take charge of our own contributions to the planetary situation.
(08-22-2020, 03:34 PM)Diana Wrote:(08-22-2020, 02:12 PM)Jade Wrote:(08-22-2020, 12:34 PM)Diana Wrote: ...I'm not just going to swallow any BS that's handed out by a corrupt media and government with buffoons who make no sense.
What do you think you are being lied to about specifically? The government is always lying to us. I don't trust them. I do trust germ theory, however, and I see that the US has death counts that dwarf other countries based upon our lack of basic action to protect us from this virus. Do you think every other government lied to its people as well?
I was speaking generally there. I don't know what I'm being lied to about. I can only guess. I normally don't pay much attention to the human drama of politics.
If I may explain my thoughts: Almost everything is technically hearsay. Do you know what is actually happening anywhere outside of your physical location? In Europe? In Asia? All we have is what we are told. And this includes statistics. So, I must believe the statistics in order to agree with what you say. I don't—there is too much conflicting information. That is not to say you aren't right. I DON"T KNOW.
Yes I think all governments lie to its people. It's a working theory anyway—since almost all information is hearsay.
I understand this concept and this is why I also don't read much news. However, there is still an objective reality that we agree exists. I have an idea of what is happening in other countries re: the pandemic because I've heard personal testimony from others, not because I'm reading the news and believing everything the media says. Like I said, to me it comes down to simple germ theory. Something is killing us. It's not killing people in other countries at the same rate. There is one main variable.
Quote:As far as the permanent damage Covid-19 does, even that is not clear whether the damage is done from the virus or from medical treatment. I'm not that informed, but there seems to be controversy regarding that.
What they have actually found is that COVID attacks the blood vessels, and most people who have extreme symptoms experience that in the lungs and have breathing problems. There are many people who have *brain damage* after having COVID, and that's not likely from the treatment. Also, we'd have more cases of people being intubated or whatever treatment you say is causing all of this harm from other ailments having these complications. This just doesn't ring true to me. I've seen personal testimony from healthy people getting COVID and being weakened for months afterwards.
It doesn't really serve me or allow me to serve others believing that everything about COVID is a lie, or that over 100,000 deaths have been faked or fudged. This is global and there would have to be way too many people in on the great lie to pull this off. Occam's Razor tells me it's much more likely we're experiencing a global pandemic caused by improper utilization of animal agriculture. I actually am shocked that you don't see the direct correlation, as almost all of our pandemics and communicable diseases have come from animals and the objectively disgusting spaces that must be maintained to farm and slaughter them.
Quote:I don't know that I am short-sighted. I'm just bringing up points to consider, and trying to navigate this morass.
Again, the above about slowing the virus is questionable and relies on statistics. They may be correct. But since the onset of this global pandemic, not much in the way of response has made any sense to me.
Do you think there's a reason why the US has many, many, many times more infections and deaths than almost every other countries? Have you compared and contrasted the responses of the "successful" countries with what the US has done?
Quote:(08-21-2020, 08:35 PM)Jade Wrote: How we choose to react to this catalyst is upon each of us. It doesn't scare me to only see half of someone's face. What I notice is how much people go out of their way to be kinder or show that they are smiling with their eyes to compensate for the lack of smiles. What I see is people willing to make the (very, very small) sacrifice of wearing a mask to make others feel safe and protected (as you do). Wearing a mask isn't about affirming our own safety, it's about protecting others, and many anti-maskers seem to miss this. What I see is people who are endeavoring to protect the weaker and more vulnerable among us, vs those who are willing to sacrifice the "less than 1%" who will die, so that they can sit at a bar and breathe freely upon each other or go shopping at Costco and pretend that things are "back to normal". What I see is that people who are anti-mask are often in denial, afraid of the reality we have created with our poor choices and poor stewardship of the planet, realizing that their actions could affect others but instead preferring to double down on their individual liberty in the face of being asked to make a sacrifice for the collective wellbeing. What I see is people who refuse to wear a mask are projecting their fears and inability to cope with difficulties upon those who are wearing masks.
That was quite a speech, but it I find it to be judgmental (not intentionally I think), idealistic, and one-dimensional. I agree with much of it. But the attitudes of people are a mixed bag and I don't think they can be so pigeonholed. On Nextdoor Neighbor I see a wide range of reasons and attitudes from people.
I've seen a wide range of attitudes as well, but the anti-mask rhetoric is so very often one-dimensional. Whether I'm idealistic or judgemental, I don't know. These are my honest feelings. Isn't it just as judgemental to say that people have more suspicion in their eyes, and therefore are less trustworthy because half of their face is covered? I understand why you feel that way, but can't you see that it might be more of a symptom of your lack of regular interaction with others, and your own distrust of the situation, rather than an actual negative vibe that is being perpetuated?
Quote:For some people this may apply. But not everyone who questions the mask is afraid and paranoid—of anything. How about just practical concern? Or intelligent questioning?
I have seen very, very little good-faith questioning of the idea of wearing a mask. I truly understand why you are skeptical but it doesn't resonate with me to dismiss anything I haven't explicitly experienced myself. I try to take feedback from the objective reality and put it through my own discernment, and I'm sharing my own conclusions. Most anti maskers say they don't wear masks because it shows that they are afraid, but then speak of being afraid of the government. People say it's a hoax, but then also say it only affects the weakest of the population. People say the government is lying to us to make us scared, but our president is publicly a COVID denier, but privately gets tested every single day and forces those who meet with him to get a test before they do. The contradictions are far too overwhelming to keep up with. Once I would like to see someone pull off a cohesive narrative re: this "conspiracy" but I've not seen anything close.
I'm not anti-conspiracy. I don't trust the government. I realize that there is a lot of money on both sides trying to push their preferred narrative for their own financial gain. I don't have control over that. All I have control over is my response and my actions. I'm going to behave as if this is actually a global pandemic that is killing people because so far, the proof is in that pudding far more than any other. I know that no matter what, the narrative is going to be hijacked so that people can make more money. We live in a capitalistic oligarchy and those in charge have a ton of control over what people believe. I just want to choose the narrative and actions that exhibit the most compassion for others.
Quote:Quote:[41.14]In third density, at this time, those clinging to orange ray have a much more complex system of distortions through which orange ray is manifested. This is somewhat complicated. We shall endeavor to simplify.
The appropriate true color for third density is, as you have ascertained, yellow. However, the influences of the true color, green, acting upon yellow-ray entities have caused many entities to revert to the consideration of self rather than the stepping forward into consideration of other-self or green ray. This may not be seen to be of a negatively polarized nature, as the negatively polarized entity is working very intensively with the deepest manifestations of yellow-ray group energies, especially the manipulations of other-self for service to self. Those reverting to orange ray, and we may add these are many upon your plane at this time, are those who feel the vibrations of true color green and, therefore, respond by rejecting governmental and societal activities as such and seek once more the self.
However, not having developed the yellow ray properly so that it balances the personal vibratory rates of the entity, the entity then is faced with the task of further activation and balancing of the self in relation to the self, thus the orange-ray manifestations at this space/time nexus.
Thus true color orange is that which it is, without difference. However, the manifestations of this or any ray may be seen to be most various depending upon the vibratory levels and balances of the mind/body or mind/body/spirit complexes which are expressing these energies.
It is not as simple as caring about the safety of others regarding the virus. What about the safety of others regarding starvation, poverty, lack of proper healthcare; and so on due to oppression? Is it okay then to allow a government to further impose tactics which contribute to the oppression? It isn't JUST about the masks. It's typical that the media will incite the mask issue as being the pivotal issue when there are deeper things happening. If it wasn't so serious and sad, the fight over mask-wearing would be comical.
And by the way, I am not afraid of people in the stores, or paranoid. Maybe you live somewhere where people are all nice and friendly to each other. The Phoenix area is not like that. I was just speculating about the long-term affects of average people—the ones I see generally in this area. Perhaps you are right that people will somehow come out of this with a better understanding of service to others. I'm dubious. I don't think it happened after 911—in fact, it incited hatred for Muslims and middle-easterners that seems to still be in effect.
We will see how it shakes out. We are nearly two decades further along than we were at 911, so maybe this will be very different.
I don't watch the media so I don't know if the media is the one primarily pushing the mask rhetoric. All I see is people arguing about it in the internet spaces I frequent (mostly Law of One related) and making big posts proclaiming their stance on wearing masks (usually the large proclamations come from those who refuse to wear masks). And almost always those posts are full of fear and projection. Colorado Springs is hardly an open and welcoming place, but I've found that if I carry that energy with me, people respond in kind. This isn't meant to be judgy or accusatory, this is just what I've learned from my many many many hours of interacting with strangers in public as a lifelong waitress. Our own energy that we project leads the energy we receive from others. I personally feel like people have been far more polite in recent months. In fact, the biggest trouble makers are the ones who refuse to wear a mask in a public space and attack and harass the low-wage employees who are just trying to enforce what they believe to be a basic public safety protocol. There are far more people who are anti-mask throwing angry temper tantrums than there are people who are pro-mask, at least from what I've seen.
Maybe you don't know anyone who has had COVID yet, or died from it. I know several people who have had it and know others who have had close family die. It's just so bizarre that people don't want to take it seriously so the only rational explanation I can find is that it's denial. We want everything to go back to normal so it's easier to ignore what's happening than to accept making changes in our daily experience. If we consent to changing our behavior, we are consenting to the reality that has changed. I understand people are resistant and hesitant to do this. The world is quite scary and we all need to be making different choices to put it on a new trajectory, and we need to stop blaming institutions and take charge of our own contributions to the planetary situation.