08-09-2020, 07:53 AM
Reading this thread makes it so evident that this present system is just not right. Something so well described into podcast 92.
Will Covid and other catalysts are here to help reduce population ? Are we too many ? How can we come back to a local agrarian system able to feed simply people locally ? Shall we need food in 4th density ? How do we take care of hunger right now ? How can we help dismantle slowly industrial farming so that those workers depending on it find other means of living ?
Will Covid and other catalysts are here to help reduce population ? Are we too many ? How can we come back to a local agrarian system able to feed simply people locally ? Shall we need food in 4th density ? How do we take care of hunger right now ? How can we help dismantle slowly industrial farming so that those workers depending on it find other means of living ?