08-07-2020, 12:14 PM
(08-06-2020, 09:10 PM)Wanderer Seven Wrote:(08-06-2020, 04:49 PM)Jade Wrote: If y'all want to know the most likely way that humans will extinct themselves on this planet, learn about how we make food. Global demand for meat is going up. We are replacing thousands of natural species with our 5 most preferred mutants: corn, soy, pigs, cows, and chickens - corn and soy being primarily grown to feed the latter, which need to consume massive quantities of the former. We are eating our planet to death. Until we understand how to work in a cooperative and harmonious fashion with second density, we will never get to fourth density.
Current estimates say that our oceans will be essentially fishless by 2050.
The biomass of chickens is 3x that of all other birds on this planet combined.
Oh, and cows poop over 100lbs of waste per day. We have 1.5 billion of them. So I guess the other way we will make this planet uninhabitable for ourselves is how quickly we are filling it up with the putrid waste and byproducts of our chosen hedonistic lifestyles.
Blessings to you Jade and respectful disagreement with your conclusions. I am in favor of a revolution in agriculture back to small family farms, organic and biodynamic. Yes the industrial farming, especially of animals, is inhumane and bad for the environment. But nothing is going to prevent the coming of fourth density. The current situation is sad but not apocalyptic. On the positive side: More people are choosing to purchase organic, biodynamic and 100% grass fed beef and bison. I have been careful in my food choices for decades.
Be wary of doomsayers. I don’t believe the predictions of fishless oceans, I heard so many dire predictions in my lifetime that didn’t materialize. You could say I am a bit jaded. Okay pun intended. But no disrespect dear one. Remember that the planet has tremendous healing ability. The media love to present predictions of doom. Remember that it’s the STS entities that like to create feelings of doom. Don’t worry. Certainly is good to help others become aware and make more informed choices. Even when I was poor I was careful about my food choices. In conclusion I would suggest a more skeptical view of predictions and a more positive outlook on the situation. I know it’s hard.
In love and light
Interesting that I'm being accused of promoting doom in a thread with several pages of doom and gloom. Ra never said that we are guaranteed to keep our planet intact. In fact, they said that the higher density entities are watching our planet with the hope that we can harvest in peace. I believe that if humans make changes we can go forward and continue harmoniously on this planet. But so many people, including those in this thread, prefer to justify their current choices of plundering our planetary resources. In fact your post is riddled with doublespeak. You say you make intentional choices, but then you also say that our choices don't matter because nothing bad will happen? Contradiction, dear one.
There are wishes and hopes for a better reality, and then there are objective physical facts. Here is an objective fact: We literally do not have the space on this planet to grow cows, pigs, and chickens in a "biodynamic" or "sustainable" way. We would run out of space if we let all of the domesticated animals free graze. Another objective fact: We have dead zones in our oceans and we are literally pulling more fish out than are able to reproduce. And another that was not addressed in my post: the animals that we grow for food are mutants. They suffer because of the genetic choices we have made for them. This is not okay! This isn't about letting a cow eat grass, it's about not perverting nature for selfish consumption purposes. A wild chicken lays 12-24 eggs a year, a domesticated chicken has been selectively bred to lay 300+ eggs a year - which absolutely destroys their bodies. Most live to be about 6 years old, maybe 10 if they are given the absolute best care. (Chickens who are commodified for eggs are usually killed at 2 years because their production drops off enough that they aren't profitable anymore). A wild chicken can live up to 25 years. We did something wrong. We also have the other chickens - meat chickens - Cornish Cross is the breed. These chickens grow to almost adult size within 6 weeks, so they can be harvested as babies. If they live any longer, they suffer greatly because they are actual mutants. They are missing bones in their wings, they have less feathers - because these things make them easier and more palatable to harvest for food. Did you know that the "chicken wings" you eat have been bred to have bones missing because that's what we prefer? Probably not. Some people try to give these birds a "natural" life but they still very rarely will live more than 2 years, and in those two years they suffer from joint pain, heart problems, and eating disorders. However, these mutant farm animals are all genetically selected for another trait - absolute adoration and subservience to humans.
For our beloved cheese, we must forcefully impregnate cows that have, again, been genetically selected for traits that cause them great suffering. We force their impregnation and then take their babies away, at birth, so we can steal their mother's milk. The boys are murdered and the girls are put into a life of maternal slavery. Can you defend this practice in the context of the Law of One? How is this anything other than complete self service? These are late second density beings that have been domesticated for thousands of years. There are two types of energy we can put into them that prepare them for harvest into third density, and if you look at our planetary choices, we are subjugating billions of animals into slavery when we should be investing positive and harmonious energy into their spiritual development.
The fact that you handwave my concerns with "I eat organic/humane/insert other marketing buzzwords here" just proves that you are ignorant about agriculture practices. That's why I suggested informing oneself in my post. Last summer we were up in arms because of the mega destruction of the rain forest, almost entirely done for animal agriculture, a very profitable enterprise. The rainforest is considered the "lungs of our planet". This year, we have a highly virulent disease that is affecting the entire planet and it's main acting mechanism is to attack people's lungs and ability to breathe. This disease is zoonotic in origin, created by inhumane farming practices, just like all of our pandemics. Coincidence? There is a high correlation between that which we choose to consume and our karma on this planet. This is what the 10th card of the Tarot represents. Notice that both entities are bound to the wheel by their orange ray, their bellies. As long as we think it's okay to objectify second density and modify it in cruel ways for our pleasure, we will be stuck on the wheel repeating mistakes.
Quote:Many use the trunk and roots of mind as if that portion of mind were a badly used, prostituted entity. Then this entity gains from this great storehouse that which is rough, prostituted, and without great virtue. Those who turn to the deep mind, seeing it in the guise of the maiden, go forth to court it. The courtship has nothing of plunder in its semblance and may be protracted, yet the treasure gained by such careful courtship is great. The right-hand and left-hand transformations of the mind may be seen to differ by the attitude of the conscious mind towards its own resources as well as the resources of other-selves.
![[Image: tarot10.jpg]](http://www.thirddensity.com/tarot/300/tarot10.jpg)