08-06-2020, 03:15 AM
(08-05-2020, 09:52 PM)Wanderer Seven Wrote:I'm somewhere in the middle with the climate issue. I think there is a human-made impact, but it is being overblown for the purposes of justifying things like population control, weather modification/chem trails, and most obviously, taxes...taxes on the use of shitty fossil fuels, which are then used to subsidize...you guessed it, more dumb s*** like fossil fuels.(07-29-2020, 01:45 PM)RaEatsFoodstuffs Wrote:Quote:There is a season upon your planet which shall be highly traumatic
within your physical illusion. The physical reasons for this are varied.
Your scientists will spend a great deal of time, while they can, in
attempting to catalog and describe each of the conditions which will
produce disaster on this physical plane of your planet. That which your
scientists speak of is quite so, and will be part of the program which has
been predicted by all of those holy works which you have upon the face
of the Earth.
It is not either permissible or possible for us to tell you precisely what
events will occur, or when they will occur, due to the fact that the
vibration within the mind and heart of the peoples upon your planet is
determining and will determine the precise events. There is within the
planet Earth a great deal of karma which must be adjusted as the cycle
changes, and these things will manifest. Precisely when, and how, we
cannot say, nor would we wish to, my friends. For the rain, and the
wind, and fire, will destroy only those things which are in what you call
the third density of vibration. You may value those things because you
cannot imagine what a fourth-density existence will be like. We suggest
to you that you spend no time concerning yourselves with the effort of
maintaining your third density existence after the vibration change to
fourth density has been completed.
If, within your spirit, your graduation day has come, those things
necessary for your emergence into fourth density will be done for you.
All will be accomplished by helpers which you must be aware that you
It is extremely possible that damage will occur to those things which
you identify with yourself in the third density. If we may speak plainly,
you will observe the valley of the shadow of death. These very words,
my friends, have been spoken to you before, and yet you cling to that
physical body and those physical surroundings as though your spirit
were attached quite permanently to them.
Hello everyone,
1. Is there a time frame given for when this will occur. When I read this, to me it appears that it will coincide with the 4th density transition. I know this transition will take 100-700 years, so from my understanding it may occur when the earth is fully 4th density?
2. They state the third density vehicle will not be able to survive this but what will happen to our favorite animals? Trees? Etc? In other words how can rain, fire and wind only destroy third density and not second density? This indicates there may be some kind of protection? Or is it all being destroyed?
3. Others claim that when this event occurs and if you're incarnate on this planet at that time, there will be higher density beings that will take them off planet within a flash of a second and place them in their appropriate locations. Any truth to this?
I looked up this channeling since I recognized right away it's not in the Ra material which I know too well. It's from 1974. This is not described by Ra in this way.
I don't find that it resonates with me the way the Ra material does. Not that I'm claiming it's not valid. I am not sure, but I don't like the fear generating aspect of it. Also, at that time science was not hijacked for political reasons to the extent that has happened since the 1980's. Right now we have a silent majority of scientists who knows that there is no human-made climate crisis, with a vocal minority of scientists favored by the elites and paraded by the media who claim we must sacrifice and become poor for the climate/environment. It's quite insane indeed. Take the CLINTEL initiative of well credentialed scientists who want to bring sanity to the mainstream climate crisis nonsense. They are ignored by the media. NASA and NOAA fake up the temperature data to support the nonsense claims of climate crisis. The only clear sign of potential apocalyptic events from a scientific perspective I have found would be caused by a solar micro-nova, less likely, an asteroid, and the mainstream does not report on the solar micro-nova cycle. The best science is fairly well hidden, that's what's happened.
1) We don't have any time frames better than Ra's conjecture which Ra said was uncertain.
2) The trees, and animals are second density, so this is referring only to human yellow ray bodies. Green ray bodies will not also be effected.
3) Who knows. I personally doubt it. I think that harvest is done in a gradual transition. I am curious about the dual body activation that Ra described. I think it's just important to know, accept yourself. Let go of fear, rejoice in the love and the light... While in the yellow ray body 3d illusion it seems lovelier to be in the illusion, in reality it's not better...
Rejoice In the love and light of the one infinite creator
I think the fracking and amount of petroleum-based garbage everywhere is damaging the ecosystem more than anything is damaging the climate. Nobody has any objective proof how much or how little of the climate change is really due to human activities, everyone sort of has a different bent based on politics and other agendas more than objective truth, so I don't really feel I know enough for certain to sit there and say what's what.
I think if people cut through the bullshit and left-right politics, maybe we'd be closer to actually answering those questions.