08-02-2020, 12:35 PM
(07-24-2020, 03:40 AM)dexter101 Wrote: https://reasonsforjesus.com/new-study-fi...dangerous/
this might not be the best site but it has studies linked.its good content. just the fact that meditation is a multi-billion dollar industries and promoted by ceos and such should make one question it.
i wonder how many people actually experience these negative side effects but just keep going because they are told it's simply "the dark knight of the soul" or something. those people end up with psychosis or worse. id recommend reading the studies. it will open your eyes.
i do believe meditation is good but only for the most hardcore spiritual seekers who are born for it. not everyone can do it.just like not everyone can play soccer or whatever it may be. i honestly think its wrong to promote this to everyone. some psychiatric hospital have actually banned meditation because of the destabilizing effects. i know people are gonna say its all a conspiracy to keep us locked in the matrix but just look at the facts here , please.
and i know people here have probably had bad experiences with meditation too but most are to afraid to say something and go against the grain.
for lazy people here is a video:
you might want to consider reading this too for an updated view on the whole spirituality movement:
Ra 5.2: "...The mind must be opened like a door. The key is silence."