07-29-2020, 11:52 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-29-2020, 11:54 PM by Black Dragon.)
(07-29-2020, 10:55 PM)RaEatsFoodstuffs Wrote: I can add some amazing stuff regarding Atlantis from Dolores Cannon's material. They were so 'supposedly' the most technologically advanced if not the most advanced civilization ever on earth. And I think Lemuria was right up there too.I've read what Edgar Cayce said on Atlantis and the books "A Dweller on Two Planets" and "An Earth Dweller's Return", and it matches a lot of the information you read from Dolores Cannon. There were two destructions. The earlier one was about 40,000 years ago, and that was at the point where they made the genetically engineered human/animal hybrids. Gladiators and soldiers was one purpose, but they were everything from sex slaves in whore houses for whatever form/fetish, to I'd wager the equivalent of your fast-food worker. The two books not from Edgar Cayce are about the civilization that was left after that portion of history and don't mention that part.
Atlantis is where some of the legends come from regarding the Centaur/Minotaur half man, half horse, the mermaid and other animals. They were genetically manipulating creatures and putting human faces on them. This was real, it happened. Originally when they were one with the Law of One, they were at the peak of their civilization..it was astonishing what they accomplished. Their entire city was powered by crystals - and so were some of their crafts. They didn't need any kind of security watching over their city because of the immense energy the city itself emitted. If anybody that was not of the right vibration/frequency were to have entered, they would get sick or it would become fatal if they didn't leave that area. Their light source was emitted using crystal technology as well.
They had extremely advanced healing technologies, including cloning. At that point they were living for as long as they wanted. The details go on and on but one of the other most mind blowing things I read was with the crystal technologies. Crystals can also store information, and in fact there are those crystals that haven't yet been discovered from Atlantis that store a wealth of knowledge, sitting in the ocean still. One of the things they would do is transfer anything a person wanted to educate themselves on from the crystal to water. The water then absorbed that information. The person would then drink the water and the knowledge was gained. Imagine learning Chinese and Japanese within a few minutes this way or 4 years of medical school in a few minutes.
So how far did they turn away from the Law of One? How badly were they influenced by the negative entities? The worst ways possible. Eventually they would genetically engineer those poor creatures and watch them fight to the death in a stadium. Another past life regression showed them get onto a craft, leave their city and go into one of the poorer areas of the world, kidnap other humans and then cannibalize them. It was bad, really bad.
According to other material - their destruction was because of their egos. They were drilling using energetic weapons and hit something that caused their civilization to destruct. And one other thing I heard from somebody else was that they were engaged in warfare with the Lemurians, who were extremely benevolent spiritual people - warning the Atlanteans to stop what they were doing.
This society(that was destroyed roughly 10,000 years ago) had anti-gravity airships that simply went up high enough for the Earth to rotate fast underneath them, and could go somewhere like trans-sonic or Mach one(only half the speed of a Concorde but much more efficient).This second civilization was ruled mostly by the priesthood. They had small hand tools that could alter the structure of people's brains, and used it on the mentally ill and criminals with some success, but not completely because it only altered their physicality and no their spirit, much like the worthless psychiatrics medicines of today, but much more efficient. This society degenerated into blood sacrifice and let their technology rot after the priesthood became so powerful in occult arts they no longer required the technology, so everyone else that did could go f*** themselves while the priesthood ruled everything. This is probably where the cannibalism on poor people from other countries happened.
Yeah, Atlantis was advanced in many ways, but not ethically or morally. It was an elitist, authoritarian shithole like everything else that's come after it. Far from a utopia, and to the best of my knowledge, they did not go to space/other star systems. It's quite possibly the most elite of the priesthood had the means and did do this, but just like today's black projects, it would not be an open venture undertaken by their society at large, or even known to the general public.