(07-04-2020, 09:06 PM)GreatSpirit Wrote: I'm boycotting 2 "related" convenient stores because of the pure ignorance of their employees.
I don't know what gets inside these peoples' heads. Like they think it's ok to be ignorant to customers and that nothing will happen to them. Maybe in India you can do that, but this is America....and you can't do that.
Well guess what buddy boy?? I'm calling both stores tomorrow and asking to speak with the manager. I will demand that the employees be fired. Hopefully they'll get sent back to what country they came from because we certainly don't need ignorant foreigners who aren't even American citizens harassing us. If you're going to mess with me, at least be a citizen.
If I wanted to, I could call immigration under the suspicion of an undocumented immigrant working. They will certainly hassle them, but I'll be nice and just call the store to complain.
For being ignorant you want to take away their means of feeding/housing themselves at a poverty level? For being ignorant you want to deport them and uproot the lives they have struggled to build even to a poverty level? For being ignorant you treat them as other and want them to suffer pretty extreme consequences?
Life has been bafflingly hard this year for everyone. I am sure you and the minimum wage workers, at the store included. This year has been low in green Ray energy being extended to one another. People are just so stressed. It’s been all judgement and acts of separation and me first attitudes. I don’t think more of that is going to change the tide.
I do not mean to talk down to you as I know you are intelligent and have been struggling too but you posted this here on the forum where you might get another perspective so here it is.
I’m sorry this year has been so monumentally difficult. The last thing you needed was to feel unwelcome in the daily activities you are required to do. I bet the store clerk feels the same.
Maybe consult your higherself in meditation on this matter and see if you can feel less confronted and perhaps your higherself can shed light on this situation for you.
Either way. I do hope you feel less stressed and more supported in the days ahead. Life is tricky right now. We are all trying to keep balance but unfortunately it’s not as easy as it has been in more peaceful predictable times. Love to you