I would look deeper at the concept of shape and form itself.
A study of sacred geometry is, I believe, necessary to scratching the surface of these mysteries.
If you look at the God of the Bible, since the story of the Tower of Babel is in Genesis in the Old Testament, then you know that it was "Yahweh" that is behind the confounding.
However, according to the Gnostic school of thought, Yahweh of the Old Testament is in fact the Demiurge, a being which has created a system where souls are trapped in cycles of materialism in echo of its own existence outside the light of the Creator, YHWH.
Ra said that Yahweh originally worked with Mars and then came to Earth 3,600 year ago~ and by genetic fiddling apparently created the Anakim, but which in Hebrews they are considered to be the descendants of the Nephilim. In Biblical thought the Nephilim are the offspring of the fallen angels with human women, but then by the Gnostic notion these would be the servants or children of the Demiurge. Another thought would be humans who have become vessels for the Archons whom are similar to the Greek Titans.
However, Ra then says that the being formally called Yahweh no longer went by Yahweh (now YHSVH) because that name had been compromised and usurped, and it was AFTER that they actually incarnated and directly birthed the beings of Anak.
Then, these larger beings were basically duped by the Orion group in to being elitists and this was actually their first major inroad on to the planet. Now you can sort of see a history forming where giants consider themselves rulers of the world and subjugate all other species to themselves. Wonder where all these weird giant, way too big for humans, structures came from across the world?
The Tower of Babel story could be an allegory for the introduction of negative philosophy on to the planet, the philosophy of separation.
Point here being that pyramids can serve different functions based on their apex angles, so I think that needs to be looked at. Ra emphasizes the importance of the geometric ratios of the Great Pyramid are what give it the power it has. I figure the same is likely true for all pyramids. and perhaps there are pyramids (or other forms of temples/structures) that have been built by both negative and positive forces across the planet to differing effects?
Maybe these things are all strategically placed on ley-line crossing points so as to have major influence over the vortexes of energy which interconnect all life on the planet, and there has been a war over thousands of years for command of these places of power?
Am I giving away too much yet? I kid.
A study of sacred geometry is, I believe, necessary to scratching the surface of these mysteries.
If you look at the God of the Bible, since the story of the Tower of Babel is in Genesis in the Old Testament, then you know that it was "Yahweh" that is behind the confounding.
However, according to the Gnostic school of thought, Yahweh of the Old Testament is in fact the Demiurge, a being which has created a system where souls are trapped in cycles of materialism in echo of its own existence outside the light of the Creator, YHWH.
Ra said that Yahweh originally worked with Mars and then came to Earth 3,600 year ago~ and by genetic fiddling apparently created the Anakim, but which in Hebrews they are considered to be the descendants of the Nephilim. In Biblical thought the Nephilim are the offspring of the fallen angels with human women, but then by the Gnostic notion these would be the servants or children of the Demiurge. Another thought would be humans who have become vessels for the Archons whom are similar to the Greek Titans.
However, Ra then says that the being formally called Yahweh no longer went by Yahweh (now YHSVH) because that name had been compromised and usurped, and it was AFTER that they actually incarnated and directly birthed the beings of Anak.
Quote:The one known as Yahweh felt a great responsibility to these entities. However, the Orion group had been able to impress upon the peoples the name Yahweh as the one responsible for this elitism. Yahweh then was able to take what you would call stock of its vibratory patterns and became, in effect, a more eloquently effective sound vibration complex.
Quote: There were two other techniques used: one by the entity no longer called Yahweh, who still felt that if it could raise up entities which were superior to the negative forces, that these superior entities could spread the Law of One. Thus this entity, “Yod Heh Shin Vau Heh,” came among your people in form according to incarnate being and mated in the normal reproductive manner of your physical complexes, thus birthing a generation of much larger beings, these beings called “Anak.”
Then, these larger beings were basically duped by the Orion group in to being elitists and this was actually their first major inroad on to the planet. Now you can sort of see a history forming where giants consider themselves rulers of the world and subjugate all other species to themselves. Wonder where all these weird giant, way too big for humans, structures came from across the world?
The Tower of Babel story could be an allegory for the introduction of negative philosophy on to the planet, the philosophy of separation.
Point here being that pyramids can serve different functions based on their apex angles, so I think that needs to be looked at. Ra emphasizes the importance of the geometric ratios of the Great Pyramid are what give it the power it has. I figure the same is likely true for all pyramids. and perhaps there are pyramids (or other forms of temples/structures) that have been built by both negative and positive forces across the planet to differing effects?
Maybe these things are all strategically placed on ley-line crossing points so as to have major influence over the vortexes of energy which interconnect all life on the planet, and there has been a war over thousands of years for command of these places of power?
Am I giving away too much yet? I kid.