06-15-2020, 10:26 AM
(06-15-2020, 05:00 AM)Navaratna Wrote: Reading about places like Syria right now just makes me wonder when the next war will erupt. I don't think it's some apocalyptic s*** but doesn't this sound so similar to some crazy huge event in Asia impacting humans and driving us to the brink? In a way similar to a big explosion of a meteor killing countless Homo Erectus ancestors of ours, and the atmospheric debris storm creating a huge problem for countless years.
I sure hope not. I hope humankind can find a way to ease through this mess and come out on the other side a little more awake. It's not out of the question that some sort of thinning is happening. The statistics (as much as they can be believed) in AZ say that 94% of COVID deaths are attributed to people over 65 with at least one chronic medical issue. While this sounds logical, it could also be seen as convenient, since life extension and the baby-boomer generation are a definite drain on government funds (in the US) anyway).
In the 80s, when AIDS started infecting (mostly) the male gay community, many thought eugenics were involved with its inception, and there is some evidence to support that. This idea is no more crazy than a new lethal virus conveniently infecting an "unwanted" (from the point of view of certain groups) portion of society just randomly.
(06-15-2020, 05:00 AM)Navaratna Wrote: There was already widespread protest in Latin America months before the media outlets became distracted with blackout reporting on domestic problems centered around the virus and now those issues are making many millions of people develop food insecurity.
So many countries depend on oil or tourism yet oil crashed which is the money that keeps places like Saudi Arabia afloat. Dubai is on the verge of economic collapse.
Two thoughts come to mind regarding the above.
Food scarcity is a such a great tool to keep people in fear. It's a complete myth in reality. Put simply with no details, if we stopped factory farming animals and grew plant crops for humans instead, there would be no problem feeding the world.
Regarding economic collapse, I think one of the underlying factors involved in societal, financial, and cultural crises is inertia ("a property of matter by which it continues in its existing state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line, unless that state is changed by an external force.") If humanity and its structures could be more fluid and flexible, we would not have collapse. Renewable energy is a good example. We have had solar energy options for many decades, as well as electric cars. But due to various known or unknown reasons, we have clung to what is either comfortable or pushed upon us.
(06-15-2020, 05:00 AM)Navaratna Wrote: The Arab Spring began as a result of widespread unemployment among youth and with all the rioting right now in even first world nations..I bet it has a lot more to do with unemployment and poverty than anyone on the idiot box is ever going to suggest. People would be at work busy making money if it wasn't for this odd parallel reality we seem to be entering. What the Hell is it with the day lockdowns were going to be lifted that all this rioting started? Too coincidental in my opinion.
Certainly poverty is at the very root of so many problems in this world. Add unemployment to that and the situation escalates.
"A riot is the language of the unheard."—Martin Luther King
(06-15-2020, 05:00 AM)Navaratna Wrote: I think everything is interconnected.
There's some evidence that the Pantasma crater in Nicaragua hit Earth at the same time at the directly antipodal point as the Asian crater. Almost like it was sent here.
Along with the idea that all things are interconnected, all things are possible. This is something I sometimes try to get across to people, when they start debunking. Even beyond the wave/particle duality and superposition which most people (as far as I can tell) think of as weirdness in the realm of fantasy, everyday human experience is very mysterious. The things the average person believes in or takes for granted—such as God, or the Big Bang, or even that this universe exists at all, or the human body which science knows very little about—are just as crazy, when you really think about them, as most of the debunked conspiracies out there.
(06-15-2020, 05:00 AM)Navaratna Wrote: I remember years ago seeing the Asian tektites from this crater which have been held as talismans by people since prehistoric times judging by archaeological discoveries throughout Asia such as Filipino, Thai, and Chinese graveyards loaded with them.
I have some, they are not expensive because this impact was enormous...it covered 10% of the planet with meteoric glass. It's a truly strange piece of geology they really have this energy like they are alien. The first time I saw one in a store I was so fascinated. I could sense this foreign energy in the faceted stone set in this silver bracelet. I thought maybe it was obsidian. I asked the staff and they said it was a Filipino tektite [phillipinite]. Very weird. I wonder sometimes if they're something bad to have because the impact killed so many homo erectus, yet at the same time the Chinese name for it is Inkstone of the thunder god implying that maybe rain men used them in ritual.
I used to have some tektite as well, and I completely agree about its energy. I had a piece which had a sort of thumbprint depressed area that my thumb fit right into. It just looked like a lump of petrified poop, but I was immediately drawn to it (the piece I had came from the Himalayas as I recall). When examined closely you could see the brownish glass-like quality. After a few years it disappeared one day and I never found it. I have had a few other stones or gems disappear—and its not usual that I lose things—and some reappear, but the tektite never did reappear.