06-07-2020, 12:53 PM
(06-07-2020, 12:43 PM)peregrine Wrote:(06-07-2020, 12:00 PM)Infinite Wrote: I was watching videos not only from the US, but from other countries. People are tearing down statues of personalities who were slave traders. I always read that in the New Age of Aquarius the old structures built in the Age of Pisces would collapse. Although Ra has not touched on this issue explicitly, it seems to me that these movements can lead us to a scenario of greater integration of groups that today are somehow marginalized.
I believe that this revolt and destruction are manifestations of old racist, sexist and homophobic structures being overthrown in favor of a new world, in which no one will be diminished or segregated for being or thinking differently. I suppose this has a lot to do with the influence of the green ray vibration of the full acceptance of the other selfs. I hope that all of this leads to concrete social changes around the world, although I am aware that this cycle is likely to end with several catastrophes.
I cannot help but note here that in Iraq the tore down statues as well, but that conduced to uninterrupted suffering and strife.
Good public policy (moving away from policies which are dehumanizing and brutal towards those which are caring and supportive) is a miserably difficult process, one which protesting has nothing to do with. It has to do with reconciliation and collaboration. I think a united "phoenix-journey" will be a very slow one with some many forces sprawling in so many directions. Over the next few centuries we should begin to iron out the wrinkles.
I don't know. 4D is here, and time is speeding up.