06-06-2020, 12:06 PM
Various general thoughts come to mind. In comparing to what I know, and some personal experiences of my own I have mostly not discussed yet, I abstract away the personal symbol systems. I cannot personally relate to your furry or anthro way of relating to the spiritual, but I treat it as a "syntax variation".
To understand what I mean by "syntax variation", it may help to echo a little philosophical nugget from Carlos Castaneda: "All this world [i.e. all which is 3D] is just syntax." The forms used by human psyches to structure their experiences are just syntax.
Your last updates brought a well-known shamanic theme into the picture. As described in Eliade's classic Shamanism book, it's common across the world for shamans to experience spiritual romantic partners. The most common description is that of a "wife", of course. But the key point in the descriptions by shamans is that it is a phase along their journeys. That type of romance is halfway up in terms of exploring realms above, and must be given up or moved past in order to proceed further and reach the ultimate spiritual peaks.
More generally, perhaps, I think your spiritual guides often challenge you to question or resist a bit more actively. I got the impression last year that some of your descriptions of spiritual focus seemed like you were repeating patterns at this level while dissatisfied at another level. I can relate it to my own experience of being led towards disillusionment by a higher guidance which works with and through old patterns until they fall apart.
To understand what I mean by "syntax variation", it may help to echo a little philosophical nugget from Carlos Castaneda: "All this world [i.e. all which is 3D] is just syntax." The forms used by human psyches to structure their experiences are just syntax.
Your last updates brought a well-known shamanic theme into the picture. As described in Eliade's classic Shamanism book, it's common across the world for shamans to experience spiritual romantic partners. The most common description is that of a "wife", of course. But the key point in the descriptions by shamans is that it is a phase along their journeys. That type of romance is halfway up in terms of exploring realms above, and must be given up or moved past in order to proceed further and reach the ultimate spiritual peaks.
More generally, perhaps, I think your spiritual guides often challenge you to question or resist a bit more actively. I got the impression last year that some of your descriptions of spiritual focus seemed like you were repeating patterns at this level while dissatisfied at another level. I can relate it to my own experience of being led towards disillusionment by a higher guidance which works with and through old patterns until they fall apart.