05-31-2020, 05:00 PM
It is a complex question to analyze, as there are several points of view to be developed.
From a universalist perspective, it seems to me that 2020 may be an indication that current civilization is approaching its end, and together with the completion of third density space / time on Earth. These collective events can be signs both of some kind of collective karmic rescue, and of the delineation of both polarities in the face of the vibration of the fourth density which Earth supposedly already has. So, I think it is a time for reflection and thinking about how we can be useful in the service and how this catalyst affects us. Although Ra said that end-of-cycle changes would not be planned catalysts, I think we can try to see some use in them.
In a more specific perspective, although I do not live in the USA, for everything I have studied the American system is still very racist. This yellow-ray social distortion, clearly STS, would at some point produce an opposite reaction. I am really in favor of everything that is going on, although I consider myself a pacifist, who would like people to try methods similar to Gandhi's. But free will is sovereign, those who see the world from a more STO perspective, have the right to use whatever tools they deem necessary. Part of the current discussions are around vandalism. I am really touched by the possible losses, but I understand that the problem is more structural than particular to a specific point of our space / time. Capitalism becomes more and more savage, and this being a system whose structure is composed of the negative orange / yellow rays pattern, where selfishness, battle, competition and service to self are the configurations inherent to it, it is a consequence too of the mass thinking of humanity. Society was built on divine values of money, private property and the market. I don't think it would be impossible for our society to be more positive than it is even with these economic structures, however, Ra himself said that the creation of money was something that increased STS attitudes in the Earth's past. There is a lot of sense in this, because if the Creator gave us the Earth, why should things have a price? We are all part of the same creation, and everything should be free so that we could all co-create, children of the Creator as we are. When you put a price on things, you put a value on people in terms of their purchasing power, and that ends up creating a hierarchy, where those with money have more power and see those poor as inferior. Then the unity is rejected.
Finally, negativity has a role in the world, as it is a catalyst for those who seek the path of the Law of One. We are part of the game, we are looking for the path of balancing, the path of intelligent infinity. However, we also need to try to see things from a higher perspective. The planetary game is now being played as it has been playing for millennia. But it is a moment of decision, and the only advice I could try to give is that we play based on love.
From a universalist perspective, it seems to me that 2020 may be an indication that current civilization is approaching its end, and together with the completion of third density space / time on Earth. These collective events can be signs both of some kind of collective karmic rescue, and of the delineation of both polarities in the face of the vibration of the fourth density which Earth supposedly already has. So, I think it is a time for reflection and thinking about how we can be useful in the service and how this catalyst affects us. Although Ra said that end-of-cycle changes would not be planned catalysts, I think we can try to see some use in them.
In a more specific perspective, although I do not live in the USA, for everything I have studied the American system is still very racist. This yellow-ray social distortion, clearly STS, would at some point produce an opposite reaction. I am really in favor of everything that is going on, although I consider myself a pacifist, who would like people to try methods similar to Gandhi's. But free will is sovereign, those who see the world from a more STO perspective, have the right to use whatever tools they deem necessary. Part of the current discussions are around vandalism. I am really touched by the possible losses, but I understand that the problem is more structural than particular to a specific point of our space / time. Capitalism becomes more and more savage, and this being a system whose structure is composed of the negative orange / yellow rays pattern, where selfishness, battle, competition and service to self are the configurations inherent to it, it is a consequence too of the mass thinking of humanity. Society was built on divine values of money, private property and the market. I don't think it would be impossible for our society to be more positive than it is even with these economic structures, however, Ra himself said that the creation of money was something that increased STS attitudes in the Earth's past. There is a lot of sense in this, because if the Creator gave us the Earth, why should things have a price? We are all part of the same creation, and everything should be free so that we could all co-create, children of the Creator as we are. When you put a price on things, you put a value on people in terms of their purchasing power, and that ends up creating a hierarchy, where those with money have more power and see those poor as inferior. Then the unity is rejected.
Finally, negativity has a role in the world, as it is a catalyst for those who seek the path of the Law of One. We are part of the game, we are looking for the path of balancing, the path of intelligent infinity. However, we also need to try to see things from a higher perspective. The planetary game is now being played as it has been playing for millennia. But it is a moment of decision, and the only advice I could try to give is that we play based on love.