05-30-2020, 09:06 PM
What's now called "the US" was built on a determined lack of compassion for Indians, free Whites who consorted with Indians, enslaved Africans, free Whites who consorted with Africans and plenty of other groups. So, why would this nation, under God, all of sudden become a paragon of compassion at this point in time? Why are your expectations so high, BeforeAustin?
One may thus surmise that, for the karmic load of blindness-to-suffering to abate, a great deal of karmic clearing and healing work will need to happen. I wonder what that might look like? I imagine it begins and ends in our own heart.
Last night, near me, a protest was announced to begin at a Federal building in downtown Oakland. Two private security guards in front of that building were shot, one was wounded critically and the other killed. I'm not sure how the resonance of the compassion I find in my heart (and that which I focalize for spirit beings around us) will solve anyone else's problems, but it's the best way I know to begin.