05-30-2020, 12:29 PM
(05-30-2020, 07:01 AM)Asolsutsesvyl Wrote: I have thought a lot about multidimensional time and how reality may change and work, but if you try to straighten out the mystery of time, then space becomes mysterious instead. (...)
2. Abandoning the entire framework of how we perceive reality, so as to work and experiment with ideas of how it might be instead in higher densities. Abstract explorations from which some ideas may be brought back into approach #1, while the rest remains beyond clear comprehension.
Thank you every so much Asolsutsesvyl, so interesting, thank you for Montauk... I feel like you that space becomes then mysterious. I always had that feeling that seen from above, about linear time, when we are not incarnated, the incarnations which after all are part of the illusion too (!) would appear like a tapestry, a u nice one for each entity, and then the next choice for incarnation since all time is one time, then possibly any linear time would be accessible...
It's fascinating to me and absolutely impossible I am sure to figure It out in terms of 3 D mental, but I love your post. thank you. I will study Montauk !!
At the same time, I feel great responsibility about not interfering with other lives so I am like dumbfound to be interested in an issue where this would be an infringement on the 'past'... lol. Thank you again