05-30-2020, 05:17 AM
(05-29-2020, 10:32 PM)Dtris Wrote: My interpretation, is that Ra was attempting to point out that one of the most powerful men to walk the earth in our recorded history, is a low level worker in his new environment.
He was no Master. No Hermetic Master would go around taking lives instead of preserving lives. Genghis Khan is nothing compared to the Masters or even a regular human if that person only understood a small inkling of how to use their power. How does giving a child a button that controls a nuclear warhead work out? If you tried to pick a fight with Jesus or any other master, and they decided to use their magic on you, they will just send you loving thoughts that’ll be of such degree that you will be obliterated. The Masters and those from above are higher
dimensional than humans, so they shine brighter than humans, to humans they are like gods. The infinite intelligence present in each particle of light is the control one in a higher plane has over the lower. People have no idea how truly powerful higher plane beings are. Including your higher self. Just because people want to be fed to the Orion wolves, so be it. Continue to be the material world’s slave.
What Ra said is a classification of the Orion way. It will affect your harvest is how you are polarized. In the end, material goods is a low frequency reality. And you will not reach the high frequencies for a harvest, aka ascension. Humans transform the Law of One into the law of dumb unfortunately. In human’s case, they worship the Orion faction without realizing. A person's total slave mentality to the Orion worship adds to that flux yes. People are Orion worshipers and pawns. The higher planes always use pawns from lower planes. That is why higher light beings like do the guiding and the dark ones use pawns. Getting people out of their darkness will take a while. When it comes to negative polarity beings like the Orions, what you are feeling right now is what is attracting them silly humans. Thoughts of negative polarity is what they are looking for. Basically, you people have just asked them to join you for a buffet. And you are the buffet. Your anger is literally calfskin calling them for dinner. Human morality makes you think what the Orions do is wrong but watch how you feel and what you say. People would not understand multidimensional stuff even if their higher self hit them in the head with it. If people made Orion level, they would be smarter. Those guys are very intelligent.
A person's human self Is lesser intelligence because it is unconscious. There is more to self than higher. Think for yourselves. Slaves to the material world’s so called masters. Slave to desires. Slave to people's own illusions. Lovers of slave and victim mentality. Talking about material comforts is slave thinking. Living life as a slave and not realize the state of slavery people themselves set in motion. Constantly thinking they have nothing. Because slaves have nothing. They only depend on having and serving a master as their one and only reality. It is because people are always wanting a master to give their slave butts some direction. People are afraid to think for themselves, afraid their slave existence might go up in smoke. I tell people's silly slave butts the key to break the chains and their slave mind keeps looking for a master to come save them from their illusory framework. People have been shown their tools and yet they still want to be a slave. People were less intelligent even back then with telepathic gifts at that time of Atlantis and previous root races. And people are still taking remedial classes here on Earth after all those centuries have passed. Slaves are expendable. People use their intelligence, not their brain. Brain makes them limited if it is not used properly.
So, get ready humans. A slave to socio cultural pressures, fossil pressures, etc. Think for yourselves and master yourselves. Think about what slaves do and a person will set their own slave mentality. The Christ in his love came to show others their chains as slaves, shown people the tools to become free of slave mentality. That is the light of complete unconditional love. And yet they go and say he cannot do that. Because he has stepped into taboo that you can’t be with God as a master of self. And thus, are stuck with the slave of God mentality when God wants humans to access his light through knowing and mastering self. Why worship. What is worship. It means to serve. True service is that of love. Slave service is the fear of something perceived as greater than self. Keep at it human slaves, at this pace none of your people are going anywhere after this lifetime, they are coming straight back here when ready.
That is what Ra meant as the Orion polarity. The desire to serve self in a self-imposed illusion of inert slavery. People are also a slave to their own fears. Enjoy this lesson. Conspiracy theorists and slaves only spout their lack of understanding. So easily manipulated and arguing over pseudo knowledge. And not realize the divinity inside. Truth is your butts belong to the Orions and people are getting scared. People still have no idea how to use their free will. That is how Orions can bonk people from behind, like feed people fantastic imaginings then sell them off to slavery somewhere. Keep yourself grounded. Trust your own cognition, even if it is help from the Orions, which is probably keeping a person limited or less intelligent, is still helping you. Stay confused that is. There is no length to eternity, but if people wish for eternal less intelligence then ok. After all this vibrational work the Masters have taught people over many centuries, if people still need specifics, then continue to practice stillness. Stop asking for verification and people please use your intelligence. Think for yourselves!
In case you are wondering, I am none of those beings, I am not Ra, not part of the Ra complex, not a member of his confederation group buddies, not an Orion, not a messenger of the Law of One, I am none of those.