05-27-2020, 02:26 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-27-2020, 02:28 PM by NoBodyNoThing.)
The Hermetic Principles are about physics, so the old Principles still work. It
just means you will work with it easier. It is like when you are studying something on your own
and suddenly you got a tutor for free. If the other Hermetic texts serve you then it will serve you
now, but it should be easier for you to understand.
The kybalion refers to mental force on when
referring to self-mastery over the material.
Law of attraction is Law of One, because you
are bringing everything to unity. I see it. I feel it. I be it.
Everyone, whether you are man or otherwise, gets the same Teaching in the end, on the same
Path back to the Creator. The Creator does not create as much as It experiences. Hermetics are
taught that The All is a "universal living mind." Sadhguru explains it elegantly when he said,
"consciousness is intelligence beyond memory." That is simplified version. You are here to
help test the energy of the planet and aid in as well as observe the growth or destruction of the
planetary consciousness.
There is only one Spiritual Law. And the universe is here to help you. All of you to
learn it.
When Ra says the chemical body, physical vehicle, astral body, etc, you have many bodies in
as far as densities are available to you. Which correlates to higher levels of achievable
conscious vibrations. That would seem like infinite and yet you have but one. That of light.
Except that is all light in different formats. So just one and yet infinite. The seven rays mean
the seven major cosmic centers or chakra, it is not the seven bodies, it is 7 points of
frequencies or elevation of consciousness states. Everyone produces light and for those who
can see it will see how people can glow in many ways.
To align your energy centers, all 7 frequencies just need to be in sync.
Each energy center correlates to a
certain brightness, rotation is related to frequency and level of vibration.
Isaac Newton was a free mason, he was very into alchemy, knew the Hermetic Principles. Only
the very learned and privileged were allowed to learn the Hermetic Principles in the past, the
pure, unadulterated, absolute, immutable, eternal doctrine of the Hermetic wisdom. The
Hermetic principles are always active. All seven are active, in effect, at once, for eternity.
Thoth's tablets and the instructions he left behind still work. You just cannot use it because it is
intended for the masters, like Thoth himself. Thoth’s tablet instructions are grid work
instructions, you do not need to dip today since the energy field we are in is opening gates more
readily, you just need to be smarter. You do not need to follow the instructions Thoth left in the
Emerald Tablets. If you ask Thoth for advice, he will just tell you to read his books or tablets.
When reading Thoth’s tablets, when he refers to the 7 lords of cycles and the 9, 7 and 9 are the
are the council that oversee the solar system. 7 represents the cycle of consciousness of the 7
chakras, 9 represents the 9 planets. When reading the tablets, if you were wanting to ask any of
the beings he named specifically, you would know what they are when you read it and gain
flashes of thought-forms. That would mean you are understanding them. But if not, then you are
not ready. If someone does not give you answers, that means you are not ready. What you can do
while waiting is you can get wiser. That is why you have mentors that help guide.
Your soul is the intelligent energy or soul-force, but do not focus on it yet, you are not ready.
You won’t be ready this lifetime. Especially since you do not understand it on your own. Do
not do it, just practice the release of resistance. If you get too greedy, you will pay for it
severely, what Thoth wrote in his emerald tablets are for the “ascended masters.” Those
masters can do grid work and rejuvenate their bodies, restoring their physical bodies to youth,
as much and however many times they want, that is how the myth of ancient yogis or monks
or sages who could live for centuries is possible. What Thoth talks about in his tablets is
adjusting your vibration, but do not worry about doing that. Just stick with stillness, people
are not ready to play with soul-force yet, if ever. People do not yet understand the language
that Thoth used to write his emerald tablets. The pyramids in Egypt were just something that
helped people calibrate their energies. There are certain points on the planet that have energy
concentrations. If a master shows you darkness, this is because you need to understand the
darkness to understand the light. The magical influence of the opposites is nothing more than
When working with higher energy, you will risk disintegrating yourself. Or worse, making your
nerves go crazy and you could cause irreversible damage to your brain. In which case, can
make a person become imbalanced. Not only do you risk your own brain, you could kill
yourself and others. By losing control of power you are not meant to play with. No, you would
not overload and get zapped. You would be disintegrated and dead. If you try to force your
awakening and are not grounded, it’s like putting a magnifying glass on ants on a hot day,
that’s why you awaken gently. Center yourself and ground, that’s all.
See what I mean by what is above is the same as below, the Hermetic Principle of Correspondence. Your
body is a reflection of the elemental mix that is nature. Nature is a reflection of the elementals
working together under Gaia. The Sun is the Logos of the Solar System. The Sun’s radiance is
“the word.” Then the Sun is sub-Logos under the Logos of the Galaxy, etc. That is what is meant
as what is above is the same as below. And the elements carry out the vibrational word of the
Logos. The “God force” of that systematic plane. The Logos is administrating good
consciousness. Gaia is the Logos of the Earth plane; you are the Logos of your body.
Each Logos compass is simply a layer of consciousness that governs a dimensional layer.
Basically, there is a Logos for the Sun, one for Earth, one for galaxies, one for black holes, one
for nature, friends, you, etc.
The Creator does not have a name, it is also a concept that goes beyond existence and names. Teaching
this stuff is difficult, just read on and you will find out what I mean. Once you know
something, you cannot unknow it. Does not meant you will have to be skillful with it. Life's
lessons are actually spiritual riddles as they are from quantum origins while we are attempting
to figure out in linear terms. This is a very profound lesson. These teachings create, move, and
shatter worlds. How can I understand reality? Am I attempting to stick linearity into quantum concepts? If you
want clarity, see how my answer fits in a quantum fashion. If you stick with linear explanation,
you’ll never understand it no matter how hard you try. So the answer is it’s you and it’s not
always the oversoul, it’s the Akash but doesn’t have to be past lifetimes or other lifetimes. Your
current life diverges when probability brings you choices therefore it diverges to explore all
possibilities within choices. And some divergent experiences of probabilities converge within the
framework of the same lifetime. Hence Deja vus. Some Deja vus occurs from a divergent energy
experience which can be convergence of different lifetimes. Those are akashic presentations
pertinent to your learning. Many times, it’s a mixing of everything. See it confusing? Figure out
the theme and you’ll be able to conceptualize the lesson. Also, sometimes it’s a convergence of
astrological alignments unique to you that open up energies made available to aid you in your
learning. Other times it’s your guide. And often times its all the above. If you’re thinking linear,
what you think as Deja vus could be a convergence of one or a few probabilities from your
current life. It’s not really from future or past. Its from converging lines of probable divergence
of experience you’ve had or having come together to a point of awareness.
Here is a quantum concept. You can see vibration with your eyes, layers upon layers of
vibration. It nothing out of the ordinary. The curving of space represents gravity, the folding
and spin of space is the extension of energy fields. A desire causes space to fold itself. Fields
are multidimensional, grids are 2D fields. Fields are likened onto grids. Grids make better
sense to the brain than multidimensional fields intertwining like a tapestry, acting as one
unified field of consciousness. Gravity is a result not really a cause, but some ideas are
beginning to show this scientifically. What is another word for entangled? Intertwined is at the
core of the relationships of this connected universe. All things are intertwined, from the atoms
that make up your cells to your body. Aside from intertwined, its integrated. So, all of this
including entanglement allows energy to express in various formats. And produces patterns
within the fractal of interrelationships. Time is space and space moves through time.
Just as time moves through space. That would look like nothing
because humans are blind to higher frequencies. Humans can only think about it in the 2D realm. I always give
open-ended, that’s why is also multidimensional. When people are noticing things, like the
shape of a neuron being the shape of the universe, that’s what is called a dendritic formation.
Lightning does it too. People think Spirit carries the full extent of its dimension. You think you
can handle the full extent of a Universe above you? People can barely handle simple concepts
like this in the article. Future is about potentials, does not mean it would be set in stone,
people do not see the beauty in it. There is no
future to a history information construct. There is only potential that helps unfold the future.
Not even Spirit can see the future, not even God can see the future, not even the masters can
see. But they see potential that can be potentiated and thus spirit can push for a higher
potential future.
People think higher energy is where chaos is, that’s just silly. Higher energy is where unity
and order and harmony is at. The higher planes always use pawns from lower planes. That is why higher light
beings do the guiding, and the dark ones use pawns. To us, those from planes above are like
gods compared to us, which is true. But 5th dimensional beings are still working on their
ascension, same for 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and so on. Angels are of 12D and higher. They are higher
dimensional than humans, so they shine brighter than humans, to humans they are like gods.
The infinite intelligence present in each particle of light is the control one in a higher plane
has over the lower. Higher dimensional powers with low consciousness is what is part of the darkness from all
comics. It creates the destructive stories that is filled with darkness. Those from planes above
do not go around producing mass destructive actions in the lower planes. Not unless they
want to get pulled into karma of lower planes and get trapped by it. Source is Source. Does
Source need equality? Does love need to be measured equally? People have no idea how truly
powerful higher plane beings are. A person's anger is literally calf skin for dinner, if people only
understood a small inkling of how to use their power, how does giving a child a button that
controls a nuclear warhead work out? Your thoughts aren’t always your own, they can make it
seem like it’s your idea. The transcendence from karma and graduation towards harvest into higher planes.
Some graduate, others who graduated may come back, some just enter to help. Everyone has
thousands of lifetimes to work with. Time is known in all densities.
In the Hermetic sciences, you are taught all is mental. There is your magic. Understand
better the magic of this reality yet? It’s an illusion based on mental conditioning and belief
systems. That is the magic. Where is the magic? Wherever your mentality is, and belief
system is. And how do you know the magic is working? It’s your own illusion you asked for
more, so it got served. The All owes us nothing. It gave us everything. Now break out of the
illusion and understand the magic of reality and consciousness.
The All is part of you. Grasping the concept would allow
you to graduate to the next concept. Your existence is a concept within the creation therefore
you exist within the consciousness of The All. You are part of The All that is self-contained. So
therefore, you need to discover The All inside. If you are looking for The All outside yourself
and not realizing you are within The All and The All is within you, you will find nothing. And
thus, true death happens when you go outside the existence that is The All. Therefore, nothing
exists outside The All. You exist inside The All just like The All exist inside you. But when you
look for answers outside yourself in correlation to being inside The All. That is no existence. All
that exist is inside The All. Therefore, nothing exists outside The All. No light = no activity = no
existence = null. There is no such thing as the future version of the mighty Creative Source of The All. It pervades across all time and that is
a function of the creating process of consciousness. But with Creator being Creator, it just is,
never was, never will be. Understand that. Including the “divine” part of you.
Here’s an adjustment to people’s
learning. Your consciousness is your power, your intent is like the fuel pump allowing that
power polarization. Your mind sets the intent into motion with space-time and times-pace.
The synchronicity within spacetime leads to experience. Becoming aware of that learning is
via experience.
Developing a skill converts that skill into mentality. And yet at the same time you need a
mentality flexible enough to learn more about the skill. By having a willing mentality and then
experiencing the path of the skill, then by observation and discovery you develop that skill
with mentality. And as such you become the user of it. That’s why you need the patience to
develop in order to observe properly and allow concepts to be absorbed. You got to love what
you’re doing, otherwise there is no interest and thus activation won’t happen. Love has always
been the answer to just about everything, love what you’re learning, and it will show you
concepts you have never dreamed about.
The part about the Hermetic all truths are but half lies, so to see the full extent of the magic is
to see truths and lies. Such is the nature of the creation within The All. Tools so to say. Mastery
over mentality eventually gets you there to nonphysical, but you’d end up in the astral form.
Not while you’re in the material form.
Manipulation and proof of magic is mental. If you so easily dance to someone else’s
tune, that is showing how really suggestive mental magic is.
That is how the magic of mentality works. The Law of One is mastery over how
emotions play a role in the creative force of mind. Hermetics is mastery over mentality that is
part of the physics of reality. Metaphysics and physics are inseparable, they are one and the
same. As such is the magic of law of attraction. Where spacetime fills to suit the desires of
mind and consciousness. That is why it is called mental magic. Hermetics works with the
mastery over mind first and foremost.
Understanding that will gain a person access to the wisdom of The All.
That is why the All cannot be understood by limited minds, it’s amazing and fascinating and
frustrating all at once.
That is The All.
That is the lord of light and lord of darkness. That is free will and that is knowledge. That is the
state of energy as we seek transcension.
The word infinite just means all that
is happens to be collective consciousness. It’s just Creation in its myriad potentials. Its
concept within concept within concept of infinity. Purpose of harsh training is to help a
person strengthen the mind. The Hermetic All is mental, therefore The All is a construct
within the concept of All. There is always some multidimensional thing in people’s comments.
It can be truth, half-truth, deception, entertainment, etc. Is all at once. There is the magic.
The Hermetic students call the Creator, The All. Even All
isn't a good word for the Creator. No thing is the best term. So, nothing is the best term for
short. I just want to become that which is not. That is where the Creator truly is. Not a thing or
anything. Just pure unlimited potential. That is what nothing really is, unbounded by
Consciousness creates light, thoughts can move beyond the speed of light, and can transcend
dimensional boundaries, you are light, you are a piece of consciousness or a piece of life, are
you not. Consciousness creates thoughts because thoughts are a manifestation of
According to the Hermetic Principle of Polarity, this universe is a polarized universe. Spirit is
beyond polarization. Light and dark are polarizations of light. The Sun is polarized, Earth is
polarized, all the planets, the black holes, including your consciousness, mind, your ideology,
and even interruptions. The Creator created matter in which case humans add part of creation
created material goods. This is also part of the love of the Creator, but in service of self. Some
consciousness has more light than others. If yours is of the dark or dim kind, you’re learning is
slower. Doesn’t mean it’s bad, just means you need to move at your own pace.
You see no matter what you’re thinking or wanting, it’s still all written within the facet of one
spiritual law, its either within balance or imbalance, chaos and order, destruction and
creation, death and birth, etc., service of self and service of others, free will comes into play
when the polarity presents you choices. When you understand duality as a catalyst for the
exercise of free will, you’re either making choices confident or unconsciously, knowing or
inadvertently. Everyone is making choices, intentionally or unknowingly. It can be in thought,
intentions, words, whatever. You’re making choices because there’s not a moment when
you’re not deciding a course of action. You don’t have control over stuff outside of you. And
yet there’s but just one answer, such is the one law. That of love which is the unity of all. In
which case is the light that comes in many forms. Such is the amazing respect of frequency.
And the amazing power of consciousness that draws forth that light within the medium that Is
reality within the matrix of what we call a universe.
All you need to do is love. That’s the only light that is definite across all dimensions
and all lifetimes and all universes, that’s where the Creator is, that’s where the magic is.
People barely understand the intensity of what love really is, love Is the one thing that defies
physics and logic. People barely understand the immensity of what love really is, it’s like God
saying lovely, let it be known that my light allows for all things to exist. Now can you
understand what all actually is. Its beyond your comprehension! And yet all is what exists
whether known or not, seen or unseen.
To use the Hermetic Laws for yourself, it is about transmuting things mentally. Your emotions,
your feelings, your thoughts, your state of being, how you choose is based on how you feel,
how you feel is based on how you choose, etc. When you feel a sudden energy drop, is because
you diffuse that energy and it floats away causing you to feel the loss of energy. If you feel a
buildup it will make you feel high energy and excited. Stillness is that state in between where
you can feel the pivot of that flow. Where you are gaining and losing in a balanced way. Where
you only see the natural flow of things instead of being affected by each polarity. You basically
learn to be the pivot of that movement. Through stillness and quietude. The matter of habit
and cultural mind complex is arbitrary. And that of your choosing. If you joyful, you have
attracted a more positive experience that was already available to you should you access it.
To understand the hermetic principles, the concept of using law against law to neutralize effects
of other laws, that is part of how you work within the male and female aspects of you and the
deep consciousness within the aspects of mental magic key to activating the magic of
manifestation. If you feel energetic, how about turning that energies into something useful,
don’t overload yourself. That’s why you practice how to be still and such. Because when you
energize you will be able to handle its flow. Can be dangerous if you can’t move or figure out
what to do with it. It’ll just get stuck. Sort of like lighting the fuse to dynamite while you’re
holding the dynamite. And not know what to do with it while its able to blow up in your hands.
See the importance of stillness and grounding? Do it wrong and you’ll create your own
The reason you must explore the Hermetic Principles is because these spiritual or natural laws
attend something static. It is within all life as well as all energy and all mind. And all that is. It
is extremely dynamic and is alive. It is like the difference about reading a shark and actually
experiencing one firsthand. Completely different aspects because reading about it is only 2D.
and experiencing one firsthand is a multidimensional experience. See the difference?
Therefore, people get confused. Missing exploring the concept first. People think intellectually
before they fully explore the concept first. Thinking intellectually like you do will make you
more linear in scope rather than expanding into a more open multidimensional line of
just means you will work with it easier. It is like when you are studying something on your own
and suddenly you got a tutor for free. If the other Hermetic texts serve you then it will serve you
now, but it should be easier for you to understand.
The kybalion refers to mental force on when
referring to self-mastery over the material.
Law of attraction is Law of One, because you
are bringing everything to unity. I see it. I feel it. I be it.
Everyone, whether you are man or otherwise, gets the same Teaching in the end, on the same
Path back to the Creator. The Creator does not create as much as It experiences. Hermetics are
taught that The All is a "universal living mind." Sadhguru explains it elegantly when he said,
"consciousness is intelligence beyond memory." That is simplified version. You are here to
help test the energy of the planet and aid in as well as observe the growth or destruction of the
planetary consciousness.
There is only one Spiritual Law. And the universe is here to help you. All of you to
learn it.
When Ra says the chemical body, physical vehicle, astral body, etc, you have many bodies in
as far as densities are available to you. Which correlates to higher levels of achievable
conscious vibrations. That would seem like infinite and yet you have but one. That of light.
Except that is all light in different formats. So just one and yet infinite. The seven rays mean
the seven major cosmic centers or chakra, it is not the seven bodies, it is 7 points of
frequencies or elevation of consciousness states. Everyone produces light and for those who
can see it will see how people can glow in many ways.
To align your energy centers, all 7 frequencies just need to be in sync.
Each energy center correlates to a
certain brightness, rotation is related to frequency and level of vibration.
Isaac Newton was a free mason, he was very into alchemy, knew the Hermetic Principles. Only
the very learned and privileged were allowed to learn the Hermetic Principles in the past, the
pure, unadulterated, absolute, immutable, eternal doctrine of the Hermetic wisdom. The
Hermetic principles are always active. All seven are active, in effect, at once, for eternity.
Thoth's tablets and the instructions he left behind still work. You just cannot use it because it is
intended for the masters, like Thoth himself. Thoth’s tablet instructions are grid work
instructions, you do not need to dip today since the energy field we are in is opening gates more
readily, you just need to be smarter. You do not need to follow the instructions Thoth left in the
Emerald Tablets. If you ask Thoth for advice, he will just tell you to read his books or tablets.
When reading Thoth’s tablets, when he refers to the 7 lords of cycles and the 9, 7 and 9 are the
are the council that oversee the solar system. 7 represents the cycle of consciousness of the 7
chakras, 9 represents the 9 planets. When reading the tablets, if you were wanting to ask any of
the beings he named specifically, you would know what they are when you read it and gain
flashes of thought-forms. That would mean you are understanding them. But if not, then you are
not ready. If someone does not give you answers, that means you are not ready. What you can do
while waiting is you can get wiser. That is why you have mentors that help guide.
Your soul is the intelligent energy or soul-force, but do not focus on it yet, you are not ready.
You won’t be ready this lifetime. Especially since you do not understand it on your own. Do
not do it, just practice the release of resistance. If you get too greedy, you will pay for it
severely, what Thoth wrote in his emerald tablets are for the “ascended masters.” Those
masters can do grid work and rejuvenate their bodies, restoring their physical bodies to youth,
as much and however many times they want, that is how the myth of ancient yogis or monks
or sages who could live for centuries is possible. What Thoth talks about in his tablets is
adjusting your vibration, but do not worry about doing that. Just stick with stillness, people
are not ready to play with soul-force yet, if ever. People do not yet understand the language
that Thoth used to write his emerald tablets. The pyramids in Egypt were just something that
helped people calibrate their energies. There are certain points on the planet that have energy
concentrations. If a master shows you darkness, this is because you need to understand the
darkness to understand the light. The magical influence of the opposites is nothing more than
When working with higher energy, you will risk disintegrating yourself. Or worse, making your
nerves go crazy and you could cause irreversible damage to your brain. In which case, can
make a person become imbalanced. Not only do you risk your own brain, you could kill
yourself and others. By losing control of power you are not meant to play with. No, you would
not overload and get zapped. You would be disintegrated and dead. If you try to force your
awakening and are not grounded, it’s like putting a magnifying glass on ants on a hot day,
that’s why you awaken gently. Center yourself and ground, that’s all.
See what I mean by what is above is the same as below, the Hermetic Principle of Correspondence. Your
body is a reflection of the elemental mix that is nature. Nature is a reflection of the elementals
working together under Gaia. The Sun is the Logos of the Solar System. The Sun’s radiance is
“the word.” Then the Sun is sub-Logos under the Logos of the Galaxy, etc. That is what is meant
as what is above is the same as below. And the elements carry out the vibrational word of the
Logos. The “God force” of that systematic plane. The Logos is administrating good
consciousness. Gaia is the Logos of the Earth plane; you are the Logos of your body.
Each Logos compass is simply a layer of consciousness that governs a dimensional layer.
Basically, there is a Logos for the Sun, one for Earth, one for galaxies, one for black holes, one
for nature, friends, you, etc.
The Creator does not have a name, it is also a concept that goes beyond existence and names. Teaching
this stuff is difficult, just read on and you will find out what I mean. Once you know
something, you cannot unknow it. Does not meant you will have to be skillful with it. Life's
lessons are actually spiritual riddles as they are from quantum origins while we are attempting
to figure out in linear terms. This is a very profound lesson. These teachings create, move, and
shatter worlds. How can I understand reality? Am I attempting to stick linearity into quantum concepts? If you
want clarity, see how my answer fits in a quantum fashion. If you stick with linear explanation,
you’ll never understand it no matter how hard you try. So the answer is it’s you and it’s not
always the oversoul, it’s the Akash but doesn’t have to be past lifetimes or other lifetimes. Your
current life diverges when probability brings you choices therefore it diverges to explore all
possibilities within choices. And some divergent experiences of probabilities converge within the
framework of the same lifetime. Hence Deja vus. Some Deja vus occurs from a divergent energy
experience which can be convergence of different lifetimes. Those are akashic presentations
pertinent to your learning. Many times, it’s a mixing of everything. See it confusing? Figure out
the theme and you’ll be able to conceptualize the lesson. Also, sometimes it’s a convergence of
astrological alignments unique to you that open up energies made available to aid you in your
learning. Other times it’s your guide. And often times its all the above. If you’re thinking linear,
what you think as Deja vus could be a convergence of one or a few probabilities from your
current life. It’s not really from future or past. Its from converging lines of probable divergence
of experience you’ve had or having come together to a point of awareness.
Here is a quantum concept. You can see vibration with your eyes, layers upon layers of
vibration. It nothing out of the ordinary. The curving of space represents gravity, the folding
and spin of space is the extension of energy fields. A desire causes space to fold itself. Fields
are multidimensional, grids are 2D fields. Fields are likened onto grids. Grids make better
sense to the brain than multidimensional fields intertwining like a tapestry, acting as one
unified field of consciousness. Gravity is a result not really a cause, but some ideas are
beginning to show this scientifically. What is another word for entangled? Intertwined is at the
core of the relationships of this connected universe. All things are intertwined, from the atoms
that make up your cells to your body. Aside from intertwined, its integrated. So, all of this
including entanglement allows energy to express in various formats. And produces patterns
within the fractal of interrelationships. Time is space and space moves through time.
Just as time moves through space. That would look like nothing
because humans are blind to higher frequencies. Humans can only think about it in the 2D realm. I always give
open-ended, that’s why is also multidimensional. When people are noticing things, like the
shape of a neuron being the shape of the universe, that’s what is called a dendritic formation.
Lightning does it too. People think Spirit carries the full extent of its dimension. You think you
can handle the full extent of a Universe above you? People can barely handle simple concepts
like this in the article. Future is about potentials, does not mean it would be set in stone,
people do not see the beauty in it. There is no
future to a history information construct. There is only potential that helps unfold the future.
Not even Spirit can see the future, not even God can see the future, not even the masters can
see. But they see potential that can be potentiated and thus spirit can push for a higher
potential future.
People think higher energy is where chaos is, that’s just silly. Higher energy is where unity
and order and harmony is at. The higher planes always use pawns from lower planes. That is why higher light
beings do the guiding, and the dark ones use pawns. To us, those from planes above are like
gods compared to us, which is true. But 5th dimensional beings are still working on their
ascension, same for 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and so on. Angels are of 12D and higher. They are higher
dimensional than humans, so they shine brighter than humans, to humans they are like gods.
The infinite intelligence present in each particle of light is the control one in a higher plane
has over the lower. Higher dimensional powers with low consciousness is what is part of the darkness from all
comics. It creates the destructive stories that is filled with darkness. Those from planes above
do not go around producing mass destructive actions in the lower planes. Not unless they
want to get pulled into karma of lower planes and get trapped by it. Source is Source. Does
Source need equality? Does love need to be measured equally? People have no idea how truly
powerful higher plane beings are. A person's anger is literally calf skin for dinner, if people only
understood a small inkling of how to use their power, how does giving a child a button that
controls a nuclear warhead work out? Your thoughts aren’t always your own, they can make it
seem like it’s your idea. The transcendence from karma and graduation towards harvest into higher planes.
Some graduate, others who graduated may come back, some just enter to help. Everyone has
thousands of lifetimes to work with. Time is known in all densities.
In the Hermetic sciences, you are taught all is mental. There is your magic. Understand
better the magic of this reality yet? It’s an illusion based on mental conditioning and belief
systems. That is the magic. Where is the magic? Wherever your mentality is, and belief
system is. And how do you know the magic is working? It’s your own illusion you asked for
more, so it got served. The All owes us nothing. It gave us everything. Now break out of the
illusion and understand the magic of reality and consciousness.
The All is part of you. Grasping the concept would allow
you to graduate to the next concept. Your existence is a concept within the creation therefore
you exist within the consciousness of The All. You are part of The All that is self-contained. So
therefore, you need to discover The All inside. If you are looking for The All outside yourself
and not realizing you are within The All and The All is within you, you will find nothing. And
thus, true death happens when you go outside the existence that is The All. Therefore, nothing
exists outside The All. You exist inside The All just like The All exist inside you. But when you
look for answers outside yourself in correlation to being inside The All. That is no existence. All
that exist is inside The All. Therefore, nothing exists outside The All. No light = no activity = no
existence = null. There is no such thing as the future version of the mighty Creative Source of The All. It pervades across all time and that is
a function of the creating process of consciousness. But with Creator being Creator, it just is,
never was, never will be. Understand that. Including the “divine” part of you.
Here’s an adjustment to people’s
learning. Your consciousness is your power, your intent is like the fuel pump allowing that
power polarization. Your mind sets the intent into motion with space-time and times-pace.
The synchronicity within spacetime leads to experience. Becoming aware of that learning is
via experience.
Developing a skill converts that skill into mentality. And yet at the same time you need a
mentality flexible enough to learn more about the skill. By having a willing mentality and then
experiencing the path of the skill, then by observation and discovery you develop that skill
with mentality. And as such you become the user of it. That’s why you need the patience to
develop in order to observe properly and allow concepts to be absorbed. You got to love what
you’re doing, otherwise there is no interest and thus activation won’t happen. Love has always
been the answer to just about everything, love what you’re learning, and it will show you
concepts you have never dreamed about.
The part about the Hermetic all truths are but half lies, so to see the full extent of the magic is
to see truths and lies. Such is the nature of the creation within The All. Tools so to say. Mastery
over mentality eventually gets you there to nonphysical, but you’d end up in the astral form.
Not while you’re in the material form.
Manipulation and proof of magic is mental. If you so easily dance to someone else’s
tune, that is showing how really suggestive mental magic is.
That is how the magic of mentality works. The Law of One is mastery over how
emotions play a role in the creative force of mind. Hermetics is mastery over mentality that is
part of the physics of reality. Metaphysics and physics are inseparable, they are one and the
same. As such is the magic of law of attraction. Where spacetime fills to suit the desires of
mind and consciousness. That is why it is called mental magic. Hermetics works with the
mastery over mind first and foremost.
Understanding that will gain a person access to the wisdom of The All.
That is why the All cannot be understood by limited minds, it’s amazing and fascinating and
frustrating all at once.
That is The All.
That is the lord of light and lord of darkness. That is free will and that is knowledge. That is the
state of energy as we seek transcension.
The word infinite just means all that
is happens to be collective consciousness. It’s just Creation in its myriad potentials. Its
concept within concept within concept of infinity. Purpose of harsh training is to help a
person strengthen the mind. The Hermetic All is mental, therefore The All is a construct
within the concept of All. There is always some multidimensional thing in people’s comments.
It can be truth, half-truth, deception, entertainment, etc. Is all at once. There is the magic.
The Hermetic students call the Creator, The All. Even All
isn't a good word for the Creator. No thing is the best term. So, nothing is the best term for
short. I just want to become that which is not. That is where the Creator truly is. Not a thing or
anything. Just pure unlimited potential. That is what nothing really is, unbounded by
Consciousness creates light, thoughts can move beyond the speed of light, and can transcend
dimensional boundaries, you are light, you are a piece of consciousness or a piece of life, are
you not. Consciousness creates thoughts because thoughts are a manifestation of
According to the Hermetic Principle of Polarity, this universe is a polarized universe. Spirit is
beyond polarization. Light and dark are polarizations of light. The Sun is polarized, Earth is
polarized, all the planets, the black holes, including your consciousness, mind, your ideology,
and even interruptions. The Creator created matter in which case humans add part of creation
created material goods. This is also part of the love of the Creator, but in service of self. Some
consciousness has more light than others. If yours is of the dark or dim kind, you’re learning is
slower. Doesn’t mean it’s bad, just means you need to move at your own pace.
You see no matter what you’re thinking or wanting, it’s still all written within the facet of one
spiritual law, its either within balance or imbalance, chaos and order, destruction and
creation, death and birth, etc., service of self and service of others, free will comes into play
when the polarity presents you choices. When you understand duality as a catalyst for the
exercise of free will, you’re either making choices confident or unconsciously, knowing or
inadvertently. Everyone is making choices, intentionally or unknowingly. It can be in thought,
intentions, words, whatever. You’re making choices because there’s not a moment when
you’re not deciding a course of action. You don’t have control over stuff outside of you. And
yet there’s but just one answer, such is the one law. That of love which is the unity of all. In
which case is the light that comes in many forms. Such is the amazing respect of frequency.
And the amazing power of consciousness that draws forth that light within the medium that Is
reality within the matrix of what we call a universe.
All you need to do is love. That’s the only light that is definite across all dimensions
and all lifetimes and all universes, that’s where the Creator is, that’s where the magic is.
People barely understand the intensity of what love really is, love Is the one thing that defies
physics and logic. People barely understand the immensity of what love really is, it’s like God
saying lovely, let it be known that my light allows for all things to exist. Now can you
understand what all actually is. Its beyond your comprehension! And yet all is what exists
whether known or not, seen or unseen.
To use the Hermetic Laws for yourself, it is about transmuting things mentally. Your emotions,
your feelings, your thoughts, your state of being, how you choose is based on how you feel,
how you feel is based on how you choose, etc. When you feel a sudden energy drop, is because
you diffuse that energy and it floats away causing you to feel the loss of energy. If you feel a
buildup it will make you feel high energy and excited. Stillness is that state in between where
you can feel the pivot of that flow. Where you are gaining and losing in a balanced way. Where
you only see the natural flow of things instead of being affected by each polarity. You basically
learn to be the pivot of that movement. Through stillness and quietude. The matter of habit
and cultural mind complex is arbitrary. And that of your choosing. If you joyful, you have
attracted a more positive experience that was already available to you should you access it.
To understand the hermetic principles, the concept of using law against law to neutralize effects
of other laws, that is part of how you work within the male and female aspects of you and the
deep consciousness within the aspects of mental magic key to activating the magic of
manifestation. If you feel energetic, how about turning that energies into something useful,
don’t overload yourself. That’s why you practice how to be still and such. Because when you
energize you will be able to handle its flow. Can be dangerous if you can’t move or figure out
what to do with it. It’ll just get stuck. Sort of like lighting the fuse to dynamite while you’re
holding the dynamite. And not know what to do with it while its able to blow up in your hands.
See the importance of stillness and grounding? Do it wrong and you’ll create your own
The reason you must explore the Hermetic Principles is because these spiritual or natural laws
attend something static. It is within all life as well as all energy and all mind. And all that is. It
is extremely dynamic and is alive. It is like the difference about reading a shark and actually
experiencing one firsthand. Completely different aspects because reading about it is only 2D.
and experiencing one firsthand is a multidimensional experience. See the difference?
Therefore, people get confused. Missing exploring the concept first. People think intellectually
before they fully explore the concept first. Thinking intellectually like you do will make you
more linear in scope rather than expanding into a more open multidimensional line of