05-19-2020, 10:26 AM
(05-18-2020, 11:03 AM)Diana Wrote: The scenario you painted above is very simplistic about the "super-evil New World Order plans." Logic suggests to me, that If there is a controlling faction at the apex of the pyramid of power who operate under the radar, it's way more complicated—not like a polarized cartoon of good guys and bad guys. And the layers underneath that apex are compartmentalized to ensure that no one knows the entire picture. And, I think those at the apex feel it is their duty to control the masses and I think somewhere Ra says something to that effect. [...]
I only wrote what I had in mind about Gates and similar-enough people or factions. To me, they seem like the wrong targets to focus on if trying to uncover the worst things being worked towards in the world. I actually do agree with the gist of your description, in the abstract, of how secret negative organizations and their activities tend to look.
An old key term is that of "the military-industrial complex". It's been outdated for a number of decades, because intelligence agencies and related business is inseparably part of the same larger complex. That larger complex, intelligence-military-industrial, sometimes referred to as a "deep state" in contrast with the publicly known layer of government, is the heart of what's credibly included in the worst descriptions of negative conspiracies.
Some smaller-scale stuff which is nasty enough, like unethical biochemical experimentation on populations by their own governments for military purposes, have taken place here and there in the U.S., Britain, and other Western countries generally viewed as above that kind of thing. Scattered through the historical record from the mid-20th century and on, it's a smaller number of incidences involving smaller numbers of people, with more related information still hidden from the public. The dividing line between conspiracy fact and theory concerns the size and nature of what's still hidden.
Ideas including the need for depopulation for purposes of sustainability when maintaining a system which does not scale well, various strivings towards mind control and programming, and a mix of a whole lot of other stuff which often enters into more detailed conspiracy theories, are included on the basis of there being a long-standing documented interest in those kinds of things on the part of military and intelligence agencies.
A problem is that most of the real names, faces, groups, etc., are not known with clarity. And the detailed conspiracy claims floating around fill in those blanks with wild guesses and present them as solid truth. That way, rich celebrities and other famous public figures tend to be given the key roles in, in my opinion, rather flawed theories. Such material gets old in exactly the same way that repeating New Age prophecies of sudden and very drastic changes in the nature of reality get old. The repetition, failed predictions, and filling in of blanks with emotionally appealing drama are the key features.
There are secret efforts to produce bio-weapons around the world. But the current corona virus does not fit the picture of a dangerous weapon, because it spreads very easily leaving people immune while doing very little harm. The virus is closely related to the older SARS virus, which was much more harmful but did not spread nearly as easily.
The Q'uo claim SARS was engineered. If you use that as the starting point, it leaves two main possibilities for the current virus: 1) Natural mutation of SARS in the common change direction of spreading more while killing less. 2) Some experiment which accidentally slipped out into the world.
In relation to a depopulation agenda, the current virus seems counterproductive. The pandemic doesn't get it done, and has the effect of maximally shaking up the world and bolstering future preparedness. If a real and related killer virus was hoped for, then the earlier spread of this virus seems like a very big failing for that agenda.