hello mm lessons, welcome here, it is a nice place to exchange info, quite lovely in fact with very patient people and quite well informed. I am patient but not always well informed 
I do not think you should worry to much about the zero point and one or two lines intersection though I have to say it seems for you to have been specifically difficult recently. My adept line and emotional line intersected at the zero point on may 6th and I think something happened that day for me but I can't remember what it was (!) but there was something, because on May 7th when I woke up I thought about it and thought well, it used to be my mum's birthday, how interesting. I have no idea today what it was, perhaps just intense work !!
I love deeply the Ra materiel, so I hope it is as lovely to you as it is for me. Just as an added note, in the same session as Ra mentions the cycle, he does add that we shouldn't make too much of it, as with adepthood growing, we are less and less susceptible to the fluctuations.. lol you might be a quite good adept already !!
Best wishes on your journey !

I do not think you should worry to much about the zero point and one or two lines intersection though I have to say it seems for you to have been specifically difficult recently. My adept line and emotional line intersected at the zero point on may 6th and I think something happened that day for me but I can't remember what it was (!) but there was something, because on May 7th when I woke up I thought about it and thought well, it used to be my mum's birthday, how interesting. I have no idea today what it was, perhaps just intense work !!
I love deeply the Ra materiel, so I hope it is as lovely to you as it is for me. Just as an added note, in the same session as Ra mentions the cycle, he does add that we shouldn't make too much of it, as with adepthood growing, we are less and less susceptible to the fluctuations.. lol you might be a quite good adept already !!
Best wishes on your journey !