05-14-2020, 02:52 PM
(05-14-2020, 10:12 AM)peregrine Wrote:freestonew Wrote:hi all.
I have a simple Question. why covid-19? I mean, by this question, not political or conspiracy ideas. I would just like to know what the Ra people, and the channeling entities, think about this Virus and why did it appear for mankind at this time. What is its spiritual meaning, in other words.
Thank you, W, for asking directly about the spiritual meaning of life directly. Personally, I find the question refreshing in the context of these forums and I hope you find some further roads to travel in your search for your own understanding of how to view the horizons which your query gestures towards. Naturally, I can only offer you my own view on the topic. I hope it is of some little use to you in your travels.
I'll turn the question and answer upside-down, for a different way of approaching something similar. But the result becomes less spirituality-focused and more naturalistic.
Why not covid-19 or something like covid-19? What would it take for something like that to never happen in the setting of our "modern age"?
It would be a truly amazing miracle if something like covid-19 were to never happen, instead of (as it did) happen. The odds have always been in favor of new pandemics, as soon as something infectious enough manages to catch a lift around the world. This is common knowledge, and has been for decades!
So what's the missing miracle, what is the world missing? Why are things just like rationally expected, instead of better? What is it that humanity simply hasn't been able to do?
Humanity has never grown up. It has never become able to develop a consistent and coherent way of morally reasoning and evaluating things. It has not become able to organize societies in a way which favors larger aims and interests separate from money/status/power systematically. The most basic things which would make for a "sane collective life" are completely missing, or almost completely. It looks like dumb luck keeps things going as well as they still manage to keep going.