05-08-2020, 05:50 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-11-2020, 05:18 AM by Louisabell.)
(05-08-2020, 11:48 AM)flow Wrote: i just kind of saddened that humanity is so compliant and obedient with sts global elite agenda. they basically exploit our desires for mating, for good sex, love, empathy and joy to make it a marketplace, where women are sellers and men are buyers. they submit us to treat our virtues and advantages as commodities. most young women nowadays measure their value based on their age and sex appeal with the goal of getting a man who will provide material wealth and security. most men measure their value based on their status, wealth and power with the goal of getting a women they find most sexually attractive. the whole situation stress the s*** out of both sides, creating lots of insecurities, depression, personality disorders, struggles with accepting ourselves the way we are for us, and a lot of opportunities to make money on our insecurities for them. one of our most sacred sphere where things supposedly have to be done with love and sincerety now became part of a soulless global market relations and is ruled by benefit, lies and manipulation. and yet so few people from both sides dare to think for themselves, dare to follow their own values, be perceptive and follow their own hearts, rejecting the soulless grip of false values, dare to pursue their own goals.
Flow, I have to agree with you. If anyone doesn't think that it is self evident then walk through a modern mall/shopping centre and just count all the stores dedicated to female vanity. It is a marketplace, not a billion dollar one, a trillion dollar one.
I have seen so many delicate niave souls get sucked in and believe the marketeers - that the very best way to attract a mate and find love is to beautify themselves with countless products. Then when they actually go out and meet the opposite gender, they find they have nothing in common because they've made their own beautification a life's mission. Then it's very hard to hold a male's attention for long, or seem unique against the swipe right line-up. The crazy thing is that this poor soul will then believe that the reason this is happening is because she is not beautiful enough, even though she is perfectly beautiful! There are countless marketeers telling her that they will solve her problem. So the vicious cycle continues.
I've honestly seen the happiness of many females (and males) destroyed by this.
I suppose some will say that these girls are doing it to make themselves happy and it has nothing to do with men. Well I'm very sorry, but I've spoken to a lot of these women and below the surface they are very lonely, fearful, bitter, envious and confused. Most people want love, no matter gender or age.
(05-08-2020, 11:48 AM)flow Wrote: i just wish more people utilize their free will and realize that most joy in life doesn't come from material benefits, it comes from sharing our love, appreciation for each other, from hugs, support, humor, inspiration, art, meditation, ypu name it. why do many people fail to see that you don't need that kind of car or this kind of fashion cloth to be happy or to be attractive for the opposite gender? it shouldn't be about competition, it should be about love, acceptance and contribution.
It is people's innocence and confusion. People here might find it simple to go against the grain and do their own thing. But in the general population you have to understand the kind of entrenched fear. Many think that to go with the herd is their best bet. With the more people doing a thing, the safer/truer/riper the option. Kind of like how it is appealing to stop by a crowd to see what everyone is looking at.
Quote:36.24 Questioner: I’ll just ask one little short one that you may not be able to answer before the final… The short one is, can you tell me what percentage of the Wanderers on Earth today have been successful in penetrating the memory block and becoming aware who they are, and then finally, is there anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?
Ra: I am Ra. We can approximate the percentage of those penetrating intelligently their status. This is between eight and one-half and nine and three-quarters percent. There is a larger percentile group of those who have a fairly well defined, shall we say, symptomology indicating to them that they are not of this, shall we say, “insanity.” This amounts to a bit over fifty percent of the remainder. Nearly one-third of the remainder are aware that something about them is different, so you see there are many gradations of awakening to the knowledge of being a Wanderer. We may add that it is to the middle and first of these groups that this information will, shall we say, make sense.
But I have found on my journey that there are no shoulds. Everyone is on their perfect path. There is nothing that the Creator won't do to awaken his children and bring them back into his heart.
Honestly, nowadays with every new realisation and insight into my true Self, I cry tears of joy, because I see how everything in my life unfolded in such and such a way for this moment to occur. For me to find out this higher truth myself. And my heart bursts with love for the Creator.
"Things don't happen to us, they happen for us"