This first link shows how this number and the design of the great Egyptian pyramid illustrates the dimensions of a human face. or just scroll to the video to illustrate what I'm describing, it's mathematics like this which made Ra give humans Tarot so it could be visualized.
scroll down to figure 12-13 if you aren't so in to the numerology
The second mentions 52 pyramids across Earth. the number 52 has a lot of relevance to the planet Venus and it's cycles. See the Mesoamerican New Fire ceremony and the astrologer god Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli if curious.
If curious about the organizing of the spheres please scroll down on the page to figure 23 portraying the imagery in the Kabbalah tree symbol
14.6 Questioner: I understood you to say in an earlier session that pyramids were built to ring the Earth. How many pyramids were built?
Ra: I am Ra. There are six balancing pyramids and five two, fifty-two [52] others built for additional healing and initiatory work among your mind/body/spirit social complexes.
Research article:
"The 52 (51.827) degree angle slope of the sides of The Great Pyramid in Cairo, Egypt embodies the Golden Mean which is the ratio that is used in Nature to generate growth patterns in space."
t's amazing to me how there's bits and pieces of info that seem unmentioned or unknown to the authors interwoven in to so many others astrological systems and Edgar Cayce readings about Egyptian history. Edgar Cayce said that the Hall of Records was found under a paw of the Sphinx
103.14 Questioner: The bent left leg of the two sphinxes indicate[s] a transformation that occurs on the left that doesn’t on the right, possibly an inability in that position to move. Does this have any merit?
Ra: I am Ra. The observation has merit in that it may serve as the obverse of the connotation intended. The position is intended to show two items, one of which is the dual possibilities of the time-full characters there drawn.
The resting is possible in time, as is the progress. If a mixture is attempted, the upright, moving leg will be greatly hampered by the leg that is bent. The other meaning has to do with the same right angle, with its architectural squareness, as the device upon the breast of the actor.
Time/space is close in this concept complex, brought close due to the veiling process and its efficaciousness in producing actors who wish to use the resources of the mind in order to evolve.

I'm deeply intrigued because density 10 chakra Hamsa in Sahaja Yoga/ Vedic astrology is represented by the planet Jupiter.
"Ve Gedulah" [Jupiter] is found in this tree of life depicted in the first .edu link showing the relation to human anatomy, and it's also referenced in the Law of One
My own 14 chakra density number set corresponds somewhat:
[Please note that if this were visualized, it would move upward from first density so the positioning would mean Jupiter would be up towards the sky with the root like the root of a tornado bound to earth and becoming more complex/widened]
16/19 DENSITY 4 Anahata CHAKRA Venus [heart]
49/52 DENSITY 7 planet Mars Sahasrara CHAKRA /52 YEARS corresponds to 52 years cycle of VENUS/PYRAMID numerology
I WILL EXPLAIN THIS CONTEXT as this section between DENSITY CHAKRA 4 and DENSITY CHAKRA 8 is important
Navaratna means 9 PLANETARY positions and GEMS Decoded a part of the 14 densities because the position of DIAMOND and RUBY in Ra material correspond to DENSITY 4 COLOR GREEN gem DIAMOND and DENSITY 9 81ST OCTAVE [of electromagnetic spectrum] PLANET SUN gem RUBY.
THE first NUMBER of this sequence is a result of the numbers 1-14 multiplied by themselves. 1x1= 2x2 = 4 3x3 = 9 4x4= 16 AND SO ON until 196 is reached
The WHOLE NUMBER 3 is added because of the relation I noticed between DENSITY 7. 49[DAYS] and DENSITY 8. 64 [DAYS] bore a correlation the 52 YEARS of the CYCLE OF VENUS and.. the resulting of the I CHING DNA coding sequence in the number 64[CODONS IN DNA, RESULT OF 8 DENSITY 8X8=64] the continuation of the mathematical treatment of the I Ching DNA CODON sequence [same thing] is 6x64= 384 [NUMBER OF DAYS in a lunar year]. 384 DAYS multiplied by 64 equates as 67 YEARS [OF 365 DAY (SOLAR) YEARS]
This relationship is not coincidental, it is a continuing pattern. 49526467 [49 days] [52 years] [64 days] [67 years]
I made a single error in formatting this extremely complex idea when this particular thread among like 5 was posted. THE relationship BETWEEN 7 AND 49 is that 49 IS ALSO the 49th OCTAVE of the electromagnetic spectrum of which ROYGBLIV is contained in, as the 50TH OCTAVE is Ultraviolet light.
HEART CHAKRA is the center of the 7 COLORS, this portrays a larger resemblance to 7TH DENSITY which is 3 whole numbers apart from the cycles of 52 years of venus [See New Fire ceremony, Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli, and most importantly in this context between Navaratna and Law of One THE USE OF DIAMONDS CRYSTALS FOR CORRECTING VIBRATIONAL IMBALANCES along with RUBIES corresponding to 9th density which have optical properties which led to the invention of L.A.S.E.R. [diamonds iridescence and their physical density, and the optical properties of rubies literally amplify the properties of this LITERAL Love/LIGHT]
*eyes gloss over*
100/103 DENSITY 10 Hamsa CHAKRA JUPITER/VE GEDULAH [Hamsa yoga in Vedic astrology depicts Jupiter]
This is the animation in the first link showing the numerological of the number 52 that when worked portrays a humanoid entity in the design of the pyramids/kabbalah
Jupiter is VE GEDULAH whose influence reverberates here. 10th density. Astral chakra 10 Hamsa [Jupiter]
This number sequence will one day illustrate a 14 density hologram
scroll down to figure 12-13 if you aren't so in to the numerology
The second mentions 52 pyramids across Earth. the number 52 has a lot of relevance to the planet Venus and it's cycles. See the Mesoamerican New Fire ceremony and the astrologer god Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli if curious.
If curious about the organizing of the spheres please scroll down on the page to figure 23 portraying the imagery in the Kabbalah tree symbol
14.6 Questioner: I understood you to say in an earlier session that pyramids were built to ring the Earth. How many pyramids were built?
Ra: I am Ra. There are six balancing pyramids and five two, fifty-two [52] others built for additional healing and initiatory work among your mind/body/spirit social complexes.
Research article:
"The 52 (51.827) degree angle slope of the sides of The Great Pyramid in Cairo, Egypt embodies the Golden Mean which is the ratio that is used in Nature to generate growth patterns in space."
t's amazing to me how there's bits and pieces of info that seem unmentioned or unknown to the authors interwoven in to so many others astrological systems and Edgar Cayce readings about Egyptian history. Edgar Cayce said that the Hall of Records was found under a paw of the Sphinx
103.14 Questioner: The bent left leg of the two sphinxes indicate[s] a transformation that occurs on the left that doesn’t on the right, possibly an inability in that position to move. Does this have any merit?
Ra: I am Ra. The observation has merit in that it may serve as the obverse of the connotation intended. The position is intended to show two items, one of which is the dual possibilities of the time-full characters there drawn.
The resting is possible in time, as is the progress. If a mixture is attempted, the upright, moving leg will be greatly hampered by the leg that is bent. The other meaning has to do with the same right angle, with its architectural squareness, as the device upon the breast of the actor.
Time/space is close in this concept complex, brought close due to the veiling process and its efficaciousness in producing actors who wish to use the resources of the mind in order to evolve.

I'm deeply intrigued because density 10 chakra Hamsa in Sahaja Yoga/ Vedic astrology is represented by the planet Jupiter.
"Ve Gedulah" [Jupiter] is found in this tree of life depicted in the first .edu link showing the relation to human anatomy, and it's also referenced in the Law of One
My own 14 chakra density number set corresponds somewhat:
[Please note that if this were visualized, it would move upward from first density so the positioning would mean Jupiter would be up towards the sky with the root like the root of a tornado bound to earth and becoming more complex/widened]
16/19 DENSITY 4 Anahata CHAKRA Venus [heart]
49/52 DENSITY 7 planet Mars Sahasrara CHAKRA /52 YEARS corresponds to 52 years cycle of VENUS/PYRAMID numerology
I WILL EXPLAIN THIS CONTEXT as this section between DENSITY CHAKRA 4 and DENSITY CHAKRA 8 is important
Navaratna means 9 PLANETARY positions and GEMS Decoded a part of the 14 densities because the position of DIAMOND and RUBY in Ra material correspond to DENSITY 4 COLOR GREEN gem DIAMOND and DENSITY 9 81ST OCTAVE [of electromagnetic spectrum] PLANET SUN gem RUBY.
THE first NUMBER of this sequence is a result of the numbers 1-14 multiplied by themselves. 1x1= 2x2 = 4 3x3 = 9 4x4= 16 AND SO ON until 196 is reached
The WHOLE NUMBER 3 is added because of the relation I noticed between DENSITY 7. 49[DAYS] and DENSITY 8. 64 [DAYS] bore a correlation the 52 YEARS of the CYCLE OF VENUS and.. the resulting of the I CHING DNA coding sequence in the number 64[CODONS IN DNA, RESULT OF 8 DENSITY 8X8=64] the continuation of the mathematical treatment of the I Ching DNA CODON sequence [same thing] is 6x64= 384 [NUMBER OF DAYS in a lunar year]. 384 DAYS multiplied by 64 equates as 67 YEARS [OF 365 DAY (SOLAR) YEARS]
This relationship is not coincidental, it is a continuing pattern. 49526467 [49 days] [52 years] [64 days] [67 years]
I made a single error in formatting this extremely complex idea when this particular thread among like 5 was posted. THE relationship BETWEEN 7 AND 49 is that 49 IS ALSO the 49th OCTAVE of the electromagnetic spectrum of which ROYGBLIV is contained in, as the 50TH OCTAVE is Ultraviolet light.
HEART CHAKRA is the center of the 7 COLORS, this portrays a larger resemblance to 7TH DENSITY which is 3 whole numbers apart from the cycles of 52 years of venus [See New Fire ceremony, Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli, and most importantly in this context between Navaratna and Law of One THE USE OF DIAMONDS CRYSTALS FOR CORRECTING VIBRATIONAL IMBALANCES along with RUBIES corresponding to 9th density which have optical properties which led to the invention of L.A.S.E.R. [diamonds iridescence and their physical density, and the optical properties of rubies literally amplify the properties of this LITERAL Love/LIGHT]
*eyes gloss over*
100/103 DENSITY 10 Hamsa CHAKRA JUPITER/VE GEDULAH [Hamsa yoga in Vedic astrology depicts Jupiter]
This is the animation in the first link showing the numerological of the number 52 that when worked portrays a humanoid entity in the design of the pyramids/kabbalah

Jupiter is VE GEDULAH whose influence reverberates here. 10th density. Astral chakra 10 Hamsa [Jupiter]
This number sequence will one day illustrate a 14 density hologram