05-01-2020, 05:36 PM
(05-01-2020, 05:31 PM)Bora137 Wrote: For 15 years I felt the same way as you. Though I had no knowledge of LOO and I was mainly agnostic, swinging between the accepted view that life is just accident, and occasionally believing there must be some logic. Really the only thing that got me through was sts pride. I hated with an unending passion all those who looked down on me and belittled me in my wretched state. I sent hate upon hate on them. I watched my best years pass in pain and hatred from those who once loved me. I was enveloped in hate and pain and on a number of occasions almost died. Though I suppose I can't say that for sure as something kept me in this realm so perhaps I was never near dying. My mind was a living hell. I look back on that time now with thanks that I went through it. In that time the greatest gifts were bestowed on me but only a decade later can I appreciate them. I don't think I will get to 4th after this incarnation but I don't mind. There is meaning here when before for me there never was. We live within a deep illusion we have not the capacity to understand. Buckle in and plumb the depths my friend, go without love, live without meaning.
I think it's an enormous misconception people think that they "get to 4th"
4th density is mentioned as green ray multiple times throughout the text.
4th is heart/anahata chakra Green on the ROYGBIV corresponding to the chakras [endocrine system/spinal nerve clusters]
The way I read comments speaking about getting 4th makes me picture someone thinking they haven't developed a heart yet