04-25-2020, 02:38 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-25-2020, 02:39 PM by Sacred Fool.)
Standing on the outside and gazing inwards through the perceptual fog towards the heart of the matter offers a person one perspective, but imagine for a moment how it looks to one standing upon the sacred ground of the heart-of-being who gazes outwards to you looking inward. It all seems so naively simple, so uncomplicated to enter into the essence of one's very own being. There's no distance to travel, no external elements required. One simply accepts one's own deepest self. What could be more natural?
I'm just trying to point out that, prior to orating upon the drawbacks of a particular system of conscious developement, perhaps you might wish to consider more than just your own temporal, personal perspective? There's so much more out there, dude....which to say, "in there."