01-24-2011, 10:03 PM
I'm glad you posted because I wanted to share what I remembered last night when I couldn't return to sleep. Work your way into visualization, unless you feel like you're naturally attuned to that form of meditation, instead, work on unattaching yourself from your thoughts. One thing I think is very important to being able to do so is having your body be completely comfortable.
Before when I would attempt to meditate I felt I would make little progress in silencing my mind, even while using a mantra such as I AM, but what I realized when I was comfortable lying down in bed, I would hear my thoughts my subconscious was generating and they overall seemed to be of a negative nature because I was frustrated with being unable to return to sleep and some other personal problems of mine. BUT, when I made a conscious effort to not listen to those thoughts, but to hear them and then LET GO of any reaction you may have towards what you are thinking, this is meditation. It's letting go of attachment. You know when you're doing it right, you're subconscious "thought generator" will actually start working FOR you, giving you positive thoughts about yourself and how you are the Creator. When this happens, you FEEL your heart chakra begin to open up. I tell you the truth, I felt significant, noticeable energy in my chest last night when I made the effort to remove mental attachment to your thoughts. It was pure and uplifting. Loving, really.
It's kind of hard to grasp just by reading, but maybe this will help you picture what I'm saying. Your brain is always producing thoughts, like bubbles rising to the surface of the water. These bubbles are coming from your unconscious, and when they produce ripples, your subconscious voices these bubbles, these thoughts to you. If you have blockages within any of the first three chakras, you're thought will resonate with whatever tone of blockage you have. For instance, if you have second chakra blockages, your thoughts will only correspond with the nature of feeling self-doubt, like your not up to par with yourself and there's something wrong with you. (you feel: "i'm being bad" you hear: "i hate you.") Third chakra blockages would leave you worrying about if there's something wrong with you in relation to others (you feel: "why doesn't such and such like me? you hear: "you're weird" or "i'm not for you" "you're not my type") If you give in to these thoughts as being real, they will continue to lower your energy, your mood, BUT with meditation, HEAR these thoughts but give them no credence, pay them no mind, and let go. They may start to get more negative at first when your brain realizes your dismissing it as your controller, it knows your unconscious thoughts, and sometimes it might scare you, but when you continue to dismiss those thoughts, THAT is when the spirit enters as your thought patterns, and you hear thoughts of love and acceptance. I promise, when you feel this way, you'll want to go up to everyone you meet and hug them and love them and tell them YOU ARE THE CREATOR, you are amazing (which is really just a reflection of how you are feeling, as we are all one, and we are mirrors of each other.)
I used to try to meditate in a sitting stance, but I find with my body, not being flexible and is easily annoyed by not being in good posture, it's easier to meditate lying down. Find out what's most comfortable for you, and let go of attachment. When you do, you bypass the fragile ego and open up to the energies of the heart, which is literally, the transformer of energy of negative into positive. You'll feel it when you get it.
Hope that helps!
Before when I would attempt to meditate I felt I would make little progress in silencing my mind, even while using a mantra such as I AM, but what I realized when I was comfortable lying down in bed, I would hear my thoughts my subconscious was generating and they overall seemed to be of a negative nature because I was frustrated with being unable to return to sleep and some other personal problems of mine. BUT, when I made a conscious effort to not listen to those thoughts, but to hear them and then LET GO of any reaction you may have towards what you are thinking, this is meditation. It's letting go of attachment. You know when you're doing it right, you're subconscious "thought generator" will actually start working FOR you, giving you positive thoughts about yourself and how you are the Creator. When this happens, you FEEL your heart chakra begin to open up. I tell you the truth, I felt significant, noticeable energy in my chest last night when I made the effort to remove mental attachment to your thoughts. It was pure and uplifting. Loving, really.
It's kind of hard to grasp just by reading, but maybe this will help you picture what I'm saying. Your brain is always producing thoughts, like bubbles rising to the surface of the water. These bubbles are coming from your unconscious, and when they produce ripples, your subconscious voices these bubbles, these thoughts to you. If you have blockages within any of the first three chakras, you're thought will resonate with whatever tone of blockage you have. For instance, if you have second chakra blockages, your thoughts will only correspond with the nature of feeling self-doubt, like your not up to par with yourself and there's something wrong with you. (you feel: "i'm being bad" you hear: "i hate you.") Third chakra blockages would leave you worrying about if there's something wrong with you in relation to others (you feel: "why doesn't such and such like me? you hear: "you're weird" or "i'm not for you" "you're not my type") If you give in to these thoughts as being real, they will continue to lower your energy, your mood, BUT with meditation, HEAR these thoughts but give them no credence, pay them no mind, and let go. They may start to get more negative at first when your brain realizes your dismissing it as your controller, it knows your unconscious thoughts, and sometimes it might scare you, but when you continue to dismiss those thoughts, THAT is when the spirit enters as your thought patterns, and you hear thoughts of love and acceptance. I promise, when you feel this way, you'll want to go up to everyone you meet and hug them and love them and tell them YOU ARE THE CREATOR, you are amazing (which is really just a reflection of how you are feeling, as we are all one, and we are mirrors of each other.)
I used to try to meditate in a sitting stance, but I find with my body, not being flexible and is easily annoyed by not being in good posture, it's easier to meditate lying down. Find out what's most comfortable for you, and let go of attachment. When you do, you bypass the fragile ego and open up to the energies of the heart, which is literally, the transformer of energy of negative into positive. You'll feel it when you get it.
Hope that helps!