04-19-2020, 10:18 PM
(04-18-2020, 11:33 PM)rinzler Wrote: I know we're headed into 4D STO but Ra's own planet Venus was a 3D STO planet.
My question is why was Earth a 3D STS planet?
I think that's quite obvious in today's world that we still are until the harvest fully ends(time period given was something 100-800 years?)
Why is there the need for 3D STS planets at all? Is it because we're the fallen ones and unable to incarnate into any positive third density planet?
In my opinion this is the only reasonable explanation which is that we don't deserve any better. Like the fallen angels rebelling against god.
So before everything went wrong humanity lived in a sort of etheric 3D STO state. Then humanity met the beings of negative polarity who tempted them and humanity fell. The veil was placed to accelerate spiritual evolution and now here we are in 3D STS with the veil.
This obviously didn't happen to Ra's social memory complex. Is it because they had the veil from the very beginning ? From 2nd density to late-stage 3rd density?
If that is all the case why was the veil placed after humanity made the choice?
It would have been better if it was placed before. In my opinion this would have allowed us to progress quicker and probably decrease the chance of turning into STS. Does that imply that Ra's society in third density made the choice to continue into 3D STO whereas humanity simply chose the "wrong option"?
Simply put: Are we(humanity) to blame for the mess we're in?
Sorry a lot of questions but I'm really trying to understand this.
3rd Density does not have a default setting. In 4th and 5th density the polarities are segregated. So a planet will contain either STO or STS. 3rd Density is literally The Choice. Each Sub Logos (Sun) has a preset bias. Our Sun's bias is slightly toward STO but not overwhelmingly so. This is reflected in that the number of STO harvestable is much higher than STS harvestable. Others have already said several reasons why this isn't perceived as such. I will add that if you just get off most media, social media and television/radio news, and start looking at the people around you, then you will find most people trying to be good.
The veil was instituted long before we advanced to third density. The veil doesn't exist at other densities. Ra did not have the veil for second density either. Second density lacks a sense of individuality. The goal of 2nd density is to realize an individual consciousness. This is why animals have instinctual knowledge while humans do not. An animal knows what to eat and how, and how to kill prey or flee from predators without being taught. Humans have no such knowledge innately that we have access to, at least not to a degree that makes much of a difference.
The 3rd density etheric state is the state between lives. That is where we plan our next incarnation and the lessons to be learned. It is a place of review and healing and the synthesis of what was learned. The choice however is not made in that state. There are no stakes there. There is no game being played. It is the intermission. It is the break between rounds, halftime, off-season.
Humanity as a whole does not make a choice. You, as an individual make a choice. Humans that choose STO will stay here, while humans that choose STS will go elsewhere. Humanity has basically sat around goofing off instead of making a choice. We have used our amazing intellects to get lost in the creation and incessantly play out the same dramas. This is reflected in the behavior of people who watch the same shows or read the same type of books over and over again. We have built a society that functions much like a game, and we busy ourselves playing it. The vast majority are unable to choose because they have been distracted the whole time, and never got the syllabus. Those of us aware of the test are busy studying (hopefully).
The fallen angels and shattering are metaphors for the progression from 2nd density to 3rd density. The serpent is the ancient symbol of knowledge and it tempted eve to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. This awakened the intellect or individuality of Adam and Eve. The Garden of Eden was 2nd density life where all things are provided by the creator without thought of belief. After becoming an individual you now can become a conscious creator, the garden disappears and is replaced by the world which you must use your own belief and intelligence to create. The fallen angels represent the possibility of selfishness, to turn away from the creator and pursue a path of separation.
In case it wasn't already clear, I don't into original sin or any similar construct. The reason is simple, it doesn't help. I have not found any way in which a belief in the inherent sin or evil of humanity (and by extension myself, and you) is useful in any way that is positive. There are a lot of ways it is useful in a negative sense though. I don't concern myself therefore with its accuracy, it might be an objective truth in some ways, but so what? According to Ra we are certainly like the Jerry Springer planet where everyone got all mixed up and keeps getting in fights, but so what? I choose to believe that humanity (and by extension myself, and you) are perfect microcosms of the infinite creation. Everyone has the potential to become the Creator and move as far as desired on the path of creation.