Quote:7th century BC
653 BC +RoP:Ulai+: Assyrians defeat an Elamite army at the Ulai River, clearing the way to Elam.
630 BC Medes and Persians begin conquest of lands. They also make their first attempt to conquer Assyria.
624 BC Greek philosophers starting with the Milesian School on the Western coast of Anatolia, i.e. modern day Turkey. Anaximander, Anaximenes
625 BC King Josiah of Judah. Apogee of the Kingdom of Judah.
612 BC +RoP:Nineveh+: Medes and Scythians join to sack the capital of Assyria.
610 BC Medes under their king Cyaxares make the Assyrians their subjects, except for the province of Babylon. Babylonia is regained by the Chaldaeans with whom the Medes had to share the spoils of Ninos' empire. Because Egypt, Cilicia and Chaldaea did not fall to the Medes, who called themselves Aryans, their power could not match the might of Ninos. Nevertheless, this first Indo-Aryan Empire was the unchallenged superpower of its time.
609 BC +RoP:Megiddo+: Necho II of Egypt defeats and kills King Josiah of Judah.
605 BC +RoP:Carchemish+: Nebuchadrezzar II of Babylon begins reign by defeating Necho II of Egypt.
6th century BC
588 BC King Nebuchadrezzar II retaliates rebellion of Judah and besieges Jerusalem
586 BC King Nebuchadrezzar II burns Jerusalem, deporting some of the elites.
572 BC Pythagoras born
570 BC Greek philosopher Xenophanes of Colophon of the Eleatic school (570 – 470 BC)
555 BC Prince Nabonad seizes power in Babylon. He makes war against Persian king Cyrus and allies with Amasis, the king of Egypt. The Judean exiles side with the Persians.
550 BC +RoP:Pasargadae+ Cyrus the Great of Persia defeats Astyages of Media, annexing Media to Persia.
539 BC +RoP:Opis+: Cyrus the Great defeats Nabonad and conquers Babylon. Some of the Judean exiles and their descendants return to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple of Yahweh Sabaoth.
547 BC +IF:Thymbra+: Croesus of Lydia is defeated by Cyrus the Great of Persia.
500 BC ~Naval~: eventually formal naval tactics invented by Phocaeans
End of Vedic kingdoms period
Begin of Warring States period in China. Armies start to grow in manpower dramaticaly.
[Knight-Jadezyk] large event that can be discerned in the scientific records ( Ice core, peat bog, tree-ring dates combined)
Greek philosophers Ionian School and Anaxagoras (500-428 BC)
5th century BC
499 BC Greek Cities on coast of Asia Minor form Ionian League and revolt against persian rule
497 BC Pythagoras dies
494 BC ~Naval~:+Battle of Lade+: Navy of the Ionian League looses against Persian navy. End of the Ionian Revolt.
498 BC Expedition force of Ionian League, with assistance from Athens and from Eretria in Euboea, burn Sardis, seat of the Persian satrap. Their ships spread the revolt as far as Cyprus.
492 BC Persian Mardonius conquers Thrace and Macedon and secures the land route to Greece.
491 BC The tyrant Gelon takes power in Syracuse and builds up the greatest army in Greece
490 BC +IF:Marathon+: Athens under Miltiades defeats the Persian expedition of Darius I of Persia and Artaphernes.
480 BC +Himera+: Syracusian tyrant Gelon defeats the Carthaginians, establising a lengthy period of peace which brings a golden age for Syracuse
479 BC +IF:Plataea+ Ends the Persian invasion of Greece; Pausanias, the Spartan commander of the Greek army, routs the armies of Mardonius.
458 BC Judeo-Babylonian Ezra, supposedly a descendant of a line of Yahwist priests wents from Babylon to Jerusalem with 1500 followers to start a theocratic project. For this he is soon joined by Nehemiah, a Persian court offcial of Judean origin. They present themselfs as heirs of an ancient tradition. They scorn the indigenous Judeans and declare themselfves the only one worthy of the name of Judah. They also usurp the prestigious name of Israel, the
former northern kingdom.
448 BC Peace is formally signed between Greeks and Persia.
430 BC ~Naval~: naval tactics are fully developed in Athenian navy
429 BC ~Naval~: +Battle of Patras+: Manouevre tactics of Athenian navy at their summit.
425 BC +Sphacteria+: Between Athens and Sparta. 420 Spartans were stranded on the island of Sphacteria. An Athenian force of 8.000 under Cleon and Demosthenes attacked and forced them to surrender.
415 BC Athen sieges Syracuse on Sicily
413 BC Athenian expedition to Syracuse is destroyed and the best part of its navy is lost. Naval War in the Aegean begins, to get control of Athens allies, the originally free members of the Ionian League against Persia.
401 BC +IF:Cunaxa+: Artaxerxes II of Persia defeats the forces of Cyrus the Younger.
400 BC [circa] Chinas' first main nomad enemy, the Hu horse nomads appear on the northern frontiers.
[circa] Introduction of iron weapons in Korea
4th century BC
393 BC [CoBra] Khazar Invasion. Second of three main invasions of the Archons and their subjugated races such as Draconians and Reptilians from outer space in known human history. Dark beings used the same Caucasus dimensional portal. The purpose of this invasion was to destroy mystery schools, Christian gnostic groups and nature worshipping paganism and replace those with Christian cult mind programming. This programming was enhanced with creation of virtual reality hells on the lower astral plane, which were then used by the Church to strengthen its position.
387 BC Celtic tribe Senones under Brennus defeat Roman army and sack Rome itself.
371 BC +Leuctra+: Thebes breaks out of Spartan over-rule
350 BC [circa] Massed crossbowmen and cavalry start to appear in Chinese armies.
356 BC Alexander the Great born
343 BC Death of Nektanebos II., last pharao of Egypthian heritage.
338 BC +IF:Chaironeia+: Philip of Macedon crushes Athens and Thebes in their struggle to maintain their independence
334 BC +IF:Granikos+: Alexander the Great defeats the Persian army in Western Asia Minor
333 BC +IF:Issos+: Alexander the Great defeats the main Persian army under King Darius III in northern Syria.
332 BC Alexander the Great in Egypt
331 BC +IF:Gaugamela+: Alexander the Great defeats Darius III in Mesopotamia and conquers Persia
326 BC +IF:Hydaspes+: Alexander defeats the Indian King Porus
325 BC Alexander takes the Indus Valley
323 BC Alexander the Great dies.
322 BC -1. War of Diadochi|Start-
317 BC +Paraitakene+: Schlacht sollte einen Machtkampf im asiatischen Teil des Alexanderreichs zwischen den mächtigen Generälen Antigonos Monophthalmos und Eumenes entscheiden, endete allerdings in einem Unentschieden.
316 BC +Gabiene+: Entscheidung im Machtkampf zwischen Antigonos Monophthalmos und Eumenes. Schlacht unentschieden, aber Antigonos konnte dennoch über Eumenes triumphieren, nachdem dieser von seinen eigenen Männern verraten wurde.
312 BC +Gaza+: Diadochus Demetrius vs Diadochi Ptolemy and Seleucus
311 BC Diadochus Seleucus beats off the attempt of Diadochus Antigonos to take Babylon. This leads to war between Antigonos and Ptolemy and Cassander.
310 BC |Field of Glory: Empires - Grand Campaign Start|
307 BC Chinese commanders switch from chariot to cavalry.
306 BC: ~Naval:~: Battle of Salamis: First victory of the big Polyremes. Antigonos son Demetrius Poliorketes beats Egyptian fleet, conquers Cyprus and gains control of the sea for 20 years. But invasion of Egypt fails.
305 BC Antigonid siege of Rhodos fails.
302 BC Mithridates II. is killed by Antigonus under suspicion that he was working with his enemy Cassander. Antigonus also planned to kill Mithridates' son but Demetrius I warned him and he escaped to the east with six horsemen.
301 BC +Ipsus+: Antigonos is killed with most of his army by all remaining Diadochies apart from Ptolememos.
300 BC Diadochus Ptolemy Soter reigns as Pharaoh of Egypt and its dependencies including Judea. Diadochus Seleucus recieves almost the whole of Asia, inculding Persia and Upper Syria.
[circa] Mauryan empire in India converts to Buddhism.
Indians have good trade relations with south-eastern asian kingdoms
3rd century BC
296 BC Zhao state destroys Zhongshan state in China.
294 BC Antigonid Demetrius takes control of Macedonia
289 BC Syracusian tyran Agathocles dies. Campanian Mercanaries leave Syracuse.
288 BC Campanian Mercanaries who left Syracuse, capture the town of Messana and name themselves Mamertines.
285 BC Diadochus Lysimakus allied with Pyrrhus overruns Macedonia
284 BC Diadochus Lysimakus puts his own childeren to death because of internal strugle over the succession.
281 BC +Corupedium+: Diadochus Lysimakus is beaten and killed. With his death his kingdom falls apart.
Pontus, a small Hellenistic kingdom south of the eastern Black Sea declares it's independence
Diadochus Seleukus fails to invade Greece.
Rome dominates the South of Italy
|Rise of Rome - Start| Rome expands from Italy to gain an empire including the whole of the Mediterranean and surrounding regions
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