04-18-2020, 08:30 AM
(04-17-2020, 09:41 PM)Black Dragon Wrote: If you, as an individual, or certain small groups with a unity of intent are ready, you can experience contact NOW. Bypass the system and find out for yourself...agree, actually this types of contact happens all the time. just those information are suppressed by MSM. a lot of alternative media talks about this, e.g. David's Wilcock's cosmic disclosure program and others.
my current understanding is for any individual, each one lives in their own hologram, if they have strong ET contact will, and their life plan doesn't prevent this, after their consciousness level raise up to certain level, this contact happens naturally.
at group conscousness level, since we manifest this world together, this depends on the "probability", how much energy we give to the contact "scene" etc.
I know a noticeable timeline shift happened recently, most likely due to the Apr 4th worldwide meditaion. so things are moving much faster than previous predicted or thought.
another possibility is we will see timeline split, e.g. two or more earth, some people ascended to the 5D earth, join the galactic family. other earth still in ascend process path. because each one's free will need to be respected.
that's not good or bad, right or wrong, just different experience.