Confederation cannot and will not make contact (I.E. "landing" or "sightings" or "ships") until the majority of humanity is calling for them on a conscious level.
We are not even able to take care of ourselves at the moment. There is no way that what you're describing will happen this year. Believe me, the Confederation wants to make contact on a conscious level just as much of those of us here on Bring4th would love to see it. But we are far, FAR from ready for such a thing. It would cause so much damage.
Keep in mind that the Confederation is already present, in inner earth as well as working with us on the astral planes and in our dream states. They are already closer to us than our breathing.
No, instead what we will be seeing is the revealing of our own terrestrial technology, our own crafts owned and operated by various governments and shadow groups. They will pose as positive ETs. The entire world will get caught up in the sensation of making "first contact" (a truly laughable term). But what will happen is that this "contact" will be used to further the agenda of the Illuminati, as it will be that very group which will be directing the show that everyone will be so captivated by. In addition to this, we may see actual naturally occurring celestial events marking the end of the Grand Cycle. This will throw the entire planet into chaos. Unfortunately during this difficult time, there will be a "cosmic false flag" attack where it appears that our "ET visitors" are attacking us. Remember that the agenda behind this has many layers and goes back to the time of Atlantis during the end of the second cycle (25,000 years ago). Remember also that we have yet to remove the ruling elite families from power, and to shut down or neutralize all of the corrupted substance (liquid crystal AI) which is running the Beast System on the planet. All of that needs to happen before we can even begin to think about being in a healthy enough place to call the Confederation for help as a planetary society.
I'm projecting another 30-50 years, at the VERY least, before the Confederation is actually able to begin working with us in earnest. One of the first real events in this regard looks like it will be those of the Hathor complex working with the emerging 4D society in Africa. We may still yet see it in our lifetimes, but more than likely it will be our children or our children's children who get to experience that wonderful time. That is, if we win this war and are able to keep our DNA from being corrupted by the liquid crystal AI and its mechanisms along with all of the archons during this sensitive time of the birthing of 4D bodily complexes. That is the exact process that they are trying to hijack and corrupt.
We are not even able to take care of ourselves at the moment. There is no way that what you're describing will happen this year. Believe me, the Confederation wants to make contact on a conscious level just as much of those of us here on Bring4th would love to see it. But we are far, FAR from ready for such a thing. It would cause so much damage.
Keep in mind that the Confederation is already present, in inner earth as well as working with us on the astral planes and in our dream states. They are already closer to us than our breathing.
No, instead what we will be seeing is the revealing of our own terrestrial technology, our own crafts owned and operated by various governments and shadow groups. They will pose as positive ETs. The entire world will get caught up in the sensation of making "first contact" (a truly laughable term). But what will happen is that this "contact" will be used to further the agenda of the Illuminati, as it will be that very group which will be directing the show that everyone will be so captivated by. In addition to this, we may see actual naturally occurring celestial events marking the end of the Grand Cycle. This will throw the entire planet into chaos. Unfortunately during this difficult time, there will be a "cosmic false flag" attack where it appears that our "ET visitors" are attacking us. Remember that the agenda behind this has many layers and goes back to the time of Atlantis during the end of the second cycle (25,000 years ago). Remember also that we have yet to remove the ruling elite families from power, and to shut down or neutralize all of the corrupted substance (liquid crystal AI) which is running the Beast System on the planet. All of that needs to happen before we can even begin to think about being in a healthy enough place to call the Confederation for help as a planetary society.
I'm projecting another 30-50 years, at the VERY least, before the Confederation is actually able to begin working with us in earnest. One of the first real events in this regard looks like it will be those of the Hathor complex working with the emerging 4D society in Africa. We may still yet see it in our lifetimes, but more than likely it will be our children or our children's children who get to experience that wonderful time. That is, if we win this war and are able to keep our DNA from being corrupted by the liquid crystal AI and its mechanisms along with all of the archons during this sensitive time of the birthing of 4D bodily complexes. That is the exact process that they are trying to hijack and corrupt.