04-15-2020, 02:39 PM
I have difficulty processing some the same energies of which you speak, the more base and primitive sexual impulses that seem to stem from the "male" side of things. I've personally always identified as male, and been heterosexual, but did not identify with a lot of the stigmas and ways that society tells me those energies should or shouldn't be expressed like "guys don't call an animal cute", "guys don't show their emotions" blah blah blah f*** you I do what I want. These are morphic fields which have to do with patterns of how the male energies are expressed on this planet, and are background noise, although quite loud and persistent. What I'm saying is, these are not necessarily your own energies, or the correct expression of the male side of your own energies. Based on this and your other thread, I would say you have a belief and definition about male energy based on society's distorted examples, rather than finding your own balanced expression of it. You may end up in the long run feeling that transitioning to a female body is correct for you, but I'd wager a lot of your issue is black and white thinking. You are a unique individual with a right to express and balance the male and female sides of your energy in any way that feels right. I believe it would be best if you explored these things and gave them your own definitions rather than jumping the gun on any physical transitions.