Aha! A mind that is infinite in creativity will never run out of blockages to create. Indeed, it could be an endless cycle, some might even call it samsara.
None of these blockages really 'exist' except when we create them because they are configurations built from our own patterns.
Here's my analogy, it is like gardening, working on blockages is like tilling the earth, weeding, fertilizing, all of those sorts of things. It's important work and it prepares the space.
However, if it's all you focus on, you'll never get a garden because at some point you have to plant something. When you plant something, that is when you make use of the space and you turn your focus away from the work of the space and instead focus on the primary task of care.
Say you plant a beautiful idea, you write a book or a poem, or make a painting or a song. You go through the process of growing and nurturing this idea until it comes to fruition and you harvest it, putting it out in to the world.
Maybe that's all you've got going on, or maybe you have a ton of plants going. Eventually, as you harvest plants, inevitably you will need to do more weeding, tilling, fertilizing, etc, so as to keep your space clear for plants to be put in.
So you see, it is a work that will never be done, but is also essential.
An adept or someone who is 'clear' has actually just become very efficient at processing catalyst. Consider, blockages are just unprocessed catalyst. So, it's not that blockages are 'there' or 'not there', it's that people get clogged up by their own experience.
None of these blockages really 'exist' except when we create them because they are configurations built from our own patterns.
Here's my analogy, it is like gardening, working on blockages is like tilling the earth, weeding, fertilizing, all of those sorts of things. It's important work and it prepares the space.
However, if it's all you focus on, you'll never get a garden because at some point you have to plant something. When you plant something, that is when you make use of the space and you turn your focus away from the work of the space and instead focus on the primary task of care.
Say you plant a beautiful idea, you write a book or a poem, or make a painting or a song. You go through the process of growing and nurturing this idea until it comes to fruition and you harvest it, putting it out in to the world.
Maybe that's all you've got going on, or maybe you have a ton of plants going. Eventually, as you harvest plants, inevitably you will need to do more weeding, tilling, fertilizing, etc, so as to keep your space clear for plants to be put in.
So you see, it is a work that will never be done, but is also essential.
An adept or someone who is 'clear' has actually just become very efficient at processing catalyst. Consider, blockages are just unprocessed catalyst. So, it's not that blockages are 'there' or 'not there', it's that people get clogged up by their own experience.