I have found chanting meditations to be very good if too much stuff is coming up. You could chant the seed mantras for each chakra
Root Chakra Seed Mantra – LAM
Sacral Chakra Seed Mantra – VAM
Solar Plexus Chakra Seed Mantra – RAM
Heart Chakra Seed Mantra – YAM
Throat Chakra Seed Mantra – HAM
Third Eye Chakra Seed Mantra – OM
Crown Chakra Seed Mantra – AH
or you could try guided meditations
Yoga is also very good at letting you tune into the body, whilst giving you something physical to do so too much stuff doesn't come up.
Root Chakra Seed Mantra – LAM
Sacral Chakra Seed Mantra – VAM
Solar Plexus Chakra Seed Mantra – RAM
Heart Chakra Seed Mantra – YAM
Throat Chakra Seed Mantra – HAM
Third Eye Chakra Seed Mantra – OM
Crown Chakra Seed Mantra – AH
or you could try guided meditations
Yoga is also very good at letting you tune into the body, whilst giving you something physical to do so too much stuff doesn't come up.