Quote:Although this material is interesting, I did some research behind it, and I believe it's a forgery by an occultist from over 15 years ago, who was suffering from severe distortions of perception.
I found these by looking up "The Zhedhi Order" (the organization claiming to be behind the distribution of this PDF) on google. The individual claiming to have founded and lead it has a post history on various online forums, where he talks about his plans to overthrow the world governments with magick, his support of Al Qaeda, attempts to kill people through the occult, among other topics.
Most of this material is cut and paste taken from the 'California Life Physics group' papers. It is not an MI6 secret service document, that part is spurious. I would reccomend researching more about the California Life Physics Group, an individual called A.R. Bordon who also got involved with a guy called Michael Lee Hill.