Although this material is interesting, I did some research behind it, and I believe it's a forgery by an occultist from over 15 years ago, who was suffering from severe distortions of perception.
I found these by looking up "The Zhedhi Order" (the organization claiming to be behind the distribution of this PDF) on google. The individual claiming to have founded and lead it has a post history on various online forums, where he talks about his plans to overthrow the world governments with magick, his support of Al Qaeda, attempts to kill people through the occult, among other topics.
The over-the-top claims in the forum posts match the writing style and content of the PDF - I think it's likely that the claims in the PDF about the material being of MI6 origin are false.
From my perspective, the PDF and the forum posts read as the thoughts of someone who perhaps contacted intelligent infinity prematurely, had a lot of confusion over polarity, and as a result began to formulate plans and beliefs that some may label as mental illness. I think there are fragments of working magick in there, and I think this individual was realizing that they are the Creator, as are all entities. Their writing at the time, however, indicates a great deal of distortion and likely dishonesty, reflective of a state of confusion sometimes occurring during the more intense parts of some magickal paths.
Ra stated in session 65, question 19:
The ability to manifest objects out of thin air, such as a dead pet or $100,000 (which the PDF talks about) would be living "in a god-like manner." I think our efforts would be better suited towards creating change through more subtle avenues, like raising the vibrations of the planet and all entities through meditation, which can be even more effective, though 'invisible.' Or, we can just take direction action physically.
Although this material is interesting, I did some research behind it, and I believe it's a forgery by an occultist from over 15 years ago, who was suffering from severe distortions of perception.
I found these by looking up "The Zhedhi Order" (the organization claiming to be behind the distribution of this PDF) on google. The individual claiming to have founded and lead it has a post history on various online forums, where he talks about his plans to overthrow the world governments with magick, his support of Al Qaeda, attempts to kill people through the occult, among other topics.
The over-the-top claims in the forum posts match the writing style and content of the PDF - I think it's likely that the claims in the PDF about the material being of MI6 origin are false.
From my perspective, the PDF and the forum posts read as the thoughts of someone who perhaps contacted intelligent infinity prematurely, had a lot of confusion over polarity, and as a result began to formulate plans and beliefs that some may label as mental illness. I think there are fragments of working magick in there, and I think this individual was realizing that they are the Creator, as are all entities. Their writing at the time, however, indicates a great deal of distortion and likely dishonesty, reflective of a state of confusion sometimes occurring during the more intense parts of some magickal paths.
Ra stated in session 65, question 19:
Quote:...it would be an infringement if Wanderers penetrated the forgetting so far as to activate the more dense bodies and thus be able to live, shall we say, in a god-like manner. This would not be proper for those who have chosen to serve.
The ability to manifest objects out of thin air, such as a dead pet or $100,000 (which the PDF talks about) would be living "in a god-like manner." I think our efforts would be better suited towards creating change through more subtle avenues, like raising the vibrations of the planet and all entities through meditation, which can be even more effective, though 'invisible.' Or, we can just take direction action physically.