03-29-2020, 09:38 PM
(03-29-2020, 07:42 PM)Great Central Sun Wrote: It is said that the world around us reflects what's going on inside us.
Does this mean that a lot of my own internal issues are causing the external?
Maybe the best thing to do is work on ourselves.
I still have fears. I have a couple of potential spiritual guides who are people that may be able to help me.
Just having problems with Skype.
So if I really work on myself, will the world around me become better?
More so it’s our interpretation of events that reflect what is going on inside you.
Do you see others suffering and wish to sooth them? Or do you feel nothing for them? Perhaps indifference or even glee others are suffering but not you.
Do you see the people making sacrifices to help others and feel moved by their strength and sacrifice? Does it make you want to help? Or do you see them as foolish? Maybe deserving of suffering because they chose to help and risk themselves?
Do you see the virus and feel hate for some conspiracy creator of it? Looking first for someone to blame?
Do you burry your head in the sand preferring normalcy bias? Or do you look at it, see what it’s showing you, do the work it’s asking you to, and accept yes even this can be a gift from the creator or we can as done in past see it as the devil and stay in fear refusing to do the work being asked?
That’s my take. I’m sure others see it differently.