01-23-2011, 04:15 PM
Would you bet your life on the Ra Material being closer to reality than any other stories about realities? Yes, this was a rhetorical question that does not lead to path of discovery. And indeed I based my suspicion about chemtrails, and other negative activities on the Ra Material and its concept of elite, and several questions and answers especially in book V.
We already possess tabular data about these "chemtrails" composition...the research is abundant. Very easy to find although with the trap of fear and doom promoted by desinformation "agents" such as ...well I won't mention names but you get the picture.
The scientific method? Many times useful but not the only way to research. As a matter of fact, the big pharma relies on the "scientific method" to push their medications on us. Our "government" relies on the "scientific method" to build a food pyramid that over the years, just cause heart disease and diabetes (even as children nowadays). Yes go ahead, trust your government (don''t mind they try to cut every service gained with the blood and sweat of many people and give our hard gained money to the bankers "too big to fail"...)
But oh nooooo...they must be doing something to protect us, it does not make any sense that they would do anything to harm us...well yeah the Ra Material says that negative entities jobs is to enslave and gain polarization but hey where is the connection?...Paraphrasing Michael Parenti he more or less once said.." Oh c'mon Michael are you to tell me that they meet in a ROOM to conspire? I mean seriously in a ROOM? No they don't meet in a ROOOOM...they meet in a carroussel or maybe when they practice free falling and they hold hands before opening the parachutes..."
Is it so hard to keep an open mind?
I agree with you Derek that being aware of this possibility is better than not as long (I repeat over and over..) as we do not fall into the trap of fear and doom scenarios.
We already possess tabular data about these "chemtrails" composition...the research is abundant. Very easy to find although with the trap of fear and doom promoted by desinformation "agents" such as ...well I won't mention names but you get the picture.
The scientific method? Many times useful but not the only way to research. As a matter of fact, the big pharma relies on the "scientific method" to push their medications on us. Our "government" relies on the "scientific method" to build a food pyramid that over the years, just cause heart disease and diabetes (even as children nowadays). Yes go ahead, trust your government (don''t mind they try to cut every service gained with the blood and sweat of many people and give our hard gained money to the bankers "too big to fail"...)
But oh nooooo...they must be doing something to protect us, it does not make any sense that they would do anything to harm us...well yeah the Ra Material says that negative entities jobs is to enslave and gain polarization but hey where is the connection?...Paraphrasing Michael Parenti he more or less once said.." Oh c'mon Michael are you to tell me that they meet in a ROOM to conspire? I mean seriously in a ROOM? No they don't meet in a ROOOOM...they meet in a carroussel or maybe when they practice free falling and they hold hands before opening the parachutes..."
Is it so hard to keep an open mind?
I agree with you Derek that being aware of this possibility is better than not as long (I repeat over and over..) as we do not fall into the trap of fear and doom scenarios.