03-21-2020, 01:50 PM
(03-21-2020, 09:13 AM)Nau7ik Wrote: Yes you’re absolutely right. It’s called television “programming.” One is fixated on the television with a blank mind, focused on the screen. That is a good opportunity to implant ideas and concepts into subconsciousness. People won’t even know that their behavior or ideas have been influenced because it’s happened below the conscious level. However one will believe that those are his ideas, unless he’s mindful and in analyzing what he’s thinking and doing.You touched on something I didn't in my reply, which is media that has subliminal or otherwise propaganda or agendas attached to it. That makes up a lot of what you'd call the mainstream "junk" media we consume, like reality TV and a lot of kids cartoons(though SOME, no all Japanese anime shows have more positive influences and legit perspectives on philosophical and moral issues, such as some of the Gundam series.) It is good to differentiate if you "connect" with certain media or if it is steering you. I did and said some pretty stupid s*** after watching bugs bunny as a little kid like pretending I was drowning at an indoor pool(saw some similar skit on the show). My dad told me to knock it off and explained that it would create a false alarm situation for the lifeguard. While I don't think that's super overtly negative, it's at least really ignorant and doesn't point to a lot of value in that show's content.
Particularly dangerous for children. I remember seeing my cousin sit in front of the TV and that was her full focus. Disney, Nick, etc kids watch these and become influenced by what they see. There was a story of a mother who observed her daughters behavior start changing at home and at school. The mother decided to sit down and actually watch what her daughter was watching, and see observed the same behavior on the TV.
People grow up and turn to the news”readers” and receive more conditioning and programming on how and what to think.
I see this countless times in my daily life, how people suddenly begin repeating the exact same words that they had heard from CNN or Fox.
If we are paying attention, we can become aware of this mental programming.
It’s not that these things are inherently bad or negative, it’s how they’re used. They’re largely used as distractions and as tools for programming and brainwashing. Anton LeVey, the Satanist, said TV is how Satan will be sold to the masses.
Stuff like what I mentioned with the Mario RPG game literally shows that our media, art, and culture is sort of a soapbox or battlefield for a lot of ideas and agendas. It's a "two can play at that game scenario", so sometimes there are more wholesome influences to be found, including from ET cultures and energies, which influence our art and culture and media.