03-21-2020, 04:13 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-21-2020, 05:07 AM by Black Dragon.)
(03-21-2020, 03:17 AM)peregrine Wrote:(03-21-2020, 12:13 AM)Black Dragon Wrote: No, not necessarily. I think is was me who took the wrong approach in evaluating your responses, because I was coming from the wrong perspective. I apologize for misjudging your intent. I will think deeper on the things you have said(and my own reactions to them), and try to come at them from a better angle. You have been most helpful, even in unintentionally triggering such a response in me, well....you are definitely helping me take a look at my shadow in that regard. Thank you. Your help is appreciated and valued.
As I view it, there's a part of you that's innocent and an equally strong part that's arrogant (that which you call "the wrong approach"). My response to your OP was to hammer the arrogant aspect head on. Why? To honor it, in part (in a "left-handed" sort of way). Also to make it more clearly visible. Why? To invite the see-sawing conscious part of you to more deliberately view of the field of your play.
No offense taken in any way whatsoever on my part. You are eminently free to define your own situation: free, I mean, from my preferences or designs. I'm just trying to elbow you into more seriously regarding and embodying your "assignment" here, if you will. And, please believe me, I know very well that this (never mind the work itself) is no easy task.
I understand. My response was impulsive and ignorant, because I didn't take the time to assess the situation properly from the right perspective. I wasn't feeling too good about having made that post after I started considering that you were just trying to get me to see certain things(such as my own arrogance) as you said. I don't enjoy the idea of being unfair to people who are just trying to help me, so I'm glad we cleared the air on that. I no longer have any hard feelings about anything you said or how you said it. I understand and appreciate your approach, and I'm grateful for your help.
One thing I would like to add is that I'm well aware this problem can't be fixed simply or purely "head on". When I mentioned the left and right brain hemispheres and binaural beats, I was and am under no delusion that something like this is all it will take to solve my problems and do shadow integration work. I'm not viewing it as a magic potion that's going to do my work for me. It is one small aspect in a large, comprehensive process. As somebody diagnosed from a medical standpoint with Aspergers/high functioning autism, (whatever that may mean from a spiritual/Law of One perspective besides just being some sort of wanderer, I'm not sure), I can tell you that the my brain hemispheres(not just from my diagnosis but from my own observations) do not always work together smoothly, and this is not something I pulled out of my ass.
Whatever physiological, neural, and mental benefits something like binaural beats can give me, I know this doesn't automatically solve issues of the spirit such as shadow integration type stuff, but a slightly clearer head and some enhanced cooperation between the brain hemispheres can help improve my mood and state, so I can be in a slightly better position to start to do the real work in consciousness. It can also smooth the process along a little bit when I get deeper in. It's a minor part of the bigger picture, but I believe it can help a bit.
I plan on doing some meditation and reflection, and some very honest self-assessment. Once I have something to share I will share my insights.