You are free to think as you please aha that's my whole point, doesn't bother me none.
That being said, the other question was, what can we do besides 'not care about harvest'?
This question is the reason for my response, which was ultimately, stop trying to reduce everything to dualities of good/evil, positive/negative, etc, and try to move between them.
Ra points out multiple cases of misplace positivity and 'well-intentioned slavery' often enforced through adhering to black and white moral codes.
Stop thinking of life in terms of binary conditions and see it for the continuum it is. This means spending less time warring the elements of reality against eachother in your mind and finding peace between mutual opposites.
Learn to be comfortable in the middle of paradoxes.
Everybody uses the catalyst differently, some don't use it at all, some go back for more.
It is the use of the catalyst that spins it positively or negatively. Oops, there I go doing it too, can't escape the dualities, lol.
That being said, the other question was, what can we do besides 'not care about harvest'?
This question is the reason for my response, which was ultimately, stop trying to reduce everything to dualities of good/evil, positive/negative, etc, and try to move between them.
Ra points out multiple cases of misplace positivity and 'well-intentioned slavery' often enforced through adhering to black and white moral codes.
Stop thinking of life in terms of binary conditions and see it for the continuum it is. This means spending less time warring the elements of reality against eachother in your mind and finding peace between mutual opposites.
Learn to be comfortable in the middle of paradoxes.
Everybody uses the catalyst differently, some don't use it at all, some go back for more.
It is the use of the catalyst that spins it positively or negatively. Oops, there I go doing it too, can't escape the dualities, lol.