01-22-2011, 01:38 AM
(01-11-2011, 07:37 PM)peregrine Wrote: Interesting story, Aaron. Sorry to hear about the difficulties involved. Because it was absent from your narrative, I take it that no one was hurt in the car wreck. (A good thing.)
Just as food for thought, it's not exactly clear from the information you gave that you're dealing with an internal desire to strangle that which you love. I can't help but wonder if there are underlying feelings of unworthiness waiting to be recognized and healed?
That's certainly the case with myself, one strained strand in the web among many others.
No, no-one was hurt. I don't know if a feeling unworthiness was a root cause or a secondary player. I believe that little me just hopped back into the driver's seat of the incarnation, selfish desire driving most of my life for a short period of time. It was a period of re-learning to let the higher self orchestrate the incarnational experience. The ego is only concerned about its own wants, and therefore cannot direct the incarnational experience into a place of abundance and growth. "Not my will, but thine."