02-27-2020, 03:57 PM
I'd like to add this. To be contacted by 'something higher,' in my experience, does not conform to the constructs and confines of what we might expect or believe. What I experienced fit nowhere inside the rules of reality as we might perceive them, yet they happened. To have done so and to be able to do so is the real beauty and mystery of it all. To have preconceived notions, ideas, expectations, etc. might also be the very reason why being contacted could be said to be a rare occurrence. To have neatly organized ideas about reality might in fact be the barrier to what truly is. Being open, knowing that you don't know, and accepting something that might not fit with your worldview, or should I say having a malleable world view might allow room for such experiences. What might be seen or viewed as impossible no longer is when it occurs- and nothing is impossible.