02-27-2020, 03:39 PM
You're question might be phrased wrong for what I think you're trying to ask. I like this bit of humor from Ra (not much humor in the Law of One- but this is) in this response from 53:9..."We may note that in a universe of unending unity the concept of a “close encounter” is humorous, for are not all encounters of a nature of self with self? Therefore, how can any encounter be less than very, very close?" We are in essence always in contact with something higher- there is nothing but that. Now, I think the question asked in this way- "Who has been contacted by something 'higher?'" might elicit different answers and responses. Take for instance this answer which we can relate to- the group of 3 was contacted by Ra, which can easily be recognized and called "higher." So what's my personal answer asked that way? Yes, I've been contacted. But I see great futility in one with the expectation or desire to intentionally want to or try to contact Ra- I don't believe I would if tried (now that's not to say it's impossible). My point is, to receive or be contacted by 'something higher' is something we don't have much control over. To repeat or replicate the channeling of Ra would be to try and replicate an exact sunset. I want to add also, think of the surprise and shock the group had after the first contact and session with Ra. I can say for myself, my experiences with "things higher" leave me in an extremely heightened and excited state, and with some experiences, a very real degree of shock. I don't wish to be so vague and mysterious either as to my experiences, but I'm afraid that if I divulge in full (which would be a looong story) that it might frame me as borderline crazy or disreputable, even on a very open and understanding community platform such as this. Also, I don't know exactly why I've received or experienced so many supernatural/paranormal/miraculous experiences, but I'll say that they have helped me in my spiritual journey in an astounding way. I often wish there were others I could connect to that have had some similar experiences, which is one of the reasons, among others, that I've become active here. I'll note, that my experiences were very personal and private. Yes, there were some with others around as witnesses and shared experiences (which mostly frightened and confused them!), but by and large they were sorta "presents" presented to me at great risk. I think I was able to handle and comprehend some of the earlier experiences which in turn led to further and more "extreme" experiences if you will. I'd like to pose this question also- If one were to have great and grand experiences or contact with 'something higher,' does it matter to anyone else?- does it make that experience any less profound? Below is an experience I'll share, but I'm questionable as to the benefit. Either way, here it is.
As I said, "yes" I've had contact with 'something higher' so I'll share this experience and also explain how I found the Law of One and the name I picked for this forum. I'm sharing so as to confirm or give insight to your query. On the night of December 29th/30th in 2013 in Hilo, Hawaii is when and where this took place. I had been experiencing some bizarre phenomena the days prior and that there was a very extreme thunderstorm that was very unusual. It can be seen here... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqvlJociW-o
That night, I was laying next to a window that was closed with the curtain drawn down. I could see a small gap in between the curtain and the outside. I was probably 5-7 feet away. As I laid there, I saw a very brilliant bright red light move into the gap between the window and the curtain; it puzzled me at first and then I thought "maybe it's 'that thing' that's been f'ing with me." In that moment, the curtain lifted out and away from the window and there were two large very bright (glowing) red lights. I looked right into them and saw a figure in clear and distinct view- a very very large figure in great detail that had two red glowing eyes. We starred at each other for perhaps a minute, the curtain closed, and I sat briefly in shock at what I just experienced, not sure what was to occur next. I experienced a great deal more that night and the several days and nights following. Anyways, in the aftermath of my experiences, I wanted to find real answers about my experiences. I read this somewhere on the internet...
9.21 Questioner: Are they Bigfoot-type creatures?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct although we would not call these Bigfoot, as they are scarce and are very able to escape detection. The first race is less able to be aware of proximity of other mind/body/spirit complexes, but these beings are very able to escape due to their technological understandings before their incarnations here. These entities of the glowing eyes are those most familiar to your peoples.
I then went to the Law of One site and searched for glowing eyes and began reading the results. I was in shock when I read this from question 65:2...
Ra: I am Ra. The generalities of expression can never be completely correct. However, we may note that when faced with a hole in the curtain, an entity’s eyes may well peer for the first time through the window beyond. This tendency is probable given the possibility/probability vortices active within your space/time and time/space continua at this nexus.
Again, I was in shock and disbelief after reading that.
It's been six years since that week of experiences. It's taken a lot of time to move forward and grow from them. I equate this analogy- before those experiences, I was pressed against a wall where I had come to in regards to answers and spirituality, and there I thought I would remain until I died. That was a reality I both accepted yet loathed. I couldn't even begin to comprehend or count on my experiences to come- they were impossibly inconceivable to me. After my experiences, I was pushed through that wall to where a new journey was a start ahead of me, yet I was scared and clinging to the wall. I essentially was given a completely new reality to learn and live with. I've taken my time in studying and learning from that period, and with where I'm at now, I felt I was ready to slowly join in community with others who hold deeply the Law of One. Adonai!
As I said, "yes" I've had contact with 'something higher' so I'll share this experience and also explain how I found the Law of One and the name I picked for this forum. I'm sharing so as to confirm or give insight to your query. On the night of December 29th/30th in 2013 in Hilo, Hawaii is when and where this took place. I had been experiencing some bizarre phenomena the days prior and that there was a very extreme thunderstorm that was very unusual. It can be seen here... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqvlJociW-o
That night, I was laying next to a window that was closed with the curtain drawn down. I could see a small gap in between the curtain and the outside. I was probably 5-7 feet away. As I laid there, I saw a very brilliant bright red light move into the gap between the window and the curtain; it puzzled me at first and then I thought "maybe it's 'that thing' that's been f'ing with me." In that moment, the curtain lifted out and away from the window and there were two large very bright (glowing) red lights. I looked right into them and saw a figure in clear and distinct view- a very very large figure in great detail that had two red glowing eyes. We starred at each other for perhaps a minute, the curtain closed, and I sat briefly in shock at what I just experienced, not sure what was to occur next. I experienced a great deal more that night and the several days and nights following. Anyways, in the aftermath of my experiences, I wanted to find real answers about my experiences. I read this somewhere on the internet...
9.21 Questioner: Are they Bigfoot-type creatures?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct although we would not call these Bigfoot, as they are scarce and are very able to escape detection. The first race is less able to be aware of proximity of other mind/body/spirit complexes, but these beings are very able to escape due to their technological understandings before their incarnations here. These entities of the glowing eyes are those most familiar to your peoples.
I then went to the Law of One site and searched for glowing eyes and began reading the results. I was in shock when I read this from question 65:2...
Ra: I am Ra. The generalities of expression can never be completely correct. However, we may note that when faced with a hole in the curtain, an entity’s eyes may well peer for the first time through the window beyond. This tendency is probable given the possibility/probability vortices active within your space/time and time/space continua at this nexus.
Again, I was in shock and disbelief after reading that.
It's been six years since that week of experiences. It's taken a lot of time to move forward and grow from them. I equate this analogy- before those experiences, I was pressed against a wall where I had come to in regards to answers and spirituality, and there I thought I would remain until I died. That was a reality I both accepted yet loathed. I couldn't even begin to comprehend or count on my experiences to come- they were impossibly inconceivable to me. After my experiences, I was pushed through that wall to where a new journey was a start ahead of me, yet I was scared and clinging to the wall. I essentially was given a completely new reality to learn and live with. I've taken my time in studying and learning from that period, and with where I'm at now, I felt I was ready to slowly join in community with others who hold deeply the Law of One. Adonai!