02-27-2020, 10:22 AM
(02-27-2020, 03:22 AM)Reaper Wrote:(02-26-2020, 11:27 PM)EvolvingPhoenix Wrote: So how do those practicing black magick in an effective negative order vilify the highly positive? Just curious? Like, what kind of s*** do they say and how does it compare and contrast to how extremely positive groups vilify the negative?
They say that the concept of white magic is hollow; that those who claim to act with a pure intent of service are only serving because it makes them feel good, self-righteous, validated, etc. In the end everyone is just chasing after one carrot or another. And they're not wrong from a certain perspective. How many people here would be so committed to being STO if they didn't have the thought of fourth density (or some alien home world) to motivate them? Is serving in expectation of a reward really selfless? It takes true self-awareness to give a decent answer to that question.
There is also the thought that the positive path is spawned our of sheer weakness and an incapacity to cultivate discipline and accept challenge. The negative path does not tolerate excuses, and it despises those who coddle the incapable. They believe that New Age thought stems out of a desire to dissociate, project and live out a fantasy reality instead of taking personal responsibility and dealing with the harsh truths of life.
Positive groups tend to be a little less creative and just go with the "black magic is the devil" sort of mentality, which I think is born out out of the fact that the negative mentality is somewhat alien in regards to conventional modern thought. Unless you've really studied their philosophy it's just hard to understand why anyone would do those things, yet it's very easy to project your own ideas onto a shadowy scapegoat. Usually those ideas crest at, "Because they're stupid/confused/evil." In actuality both sides do this equally to some extent, in which every unpleasant thing is unceremoniously swept over to the other side in a way that the individual doesn't have to question themselves.
In any grouping there is always the danger of the herd mentality, with the desire for stability and security raising unconscious blinders. Suggesting similarities between oppositely polarized groups can wreak havoc within that comfortable infrastructure, whose inhabitants would much rather believe that everything they despise lies with the other instead of in the mirror.
I LOVE what you just said there, Reaper! Yes! To sufficiently love oneself is to sufficiently love the self one sees in another!
And another thing I have learned recently that I think the negatives don't always perceive and neither do the positives: Show me where you have judgement and/or condemnation for another-self and I will know where you are weak. I of course have weaknesses, but I at least am willing to face them, although it's not fun. But I choose to be positive because honestly, they're right: it IS self serving!What's wrong with that? Oh no! I'm having my cake and eating it too! With all this gay ass joyousness and love that's worthless because it's unconditional! LAME! Why have your cake and eat it too when you can shank a guy for shitting in your cake because he didn't want you to enjoy it? Joy is for pussies!
Okay I'm obviously just goofing, I can seriously get where they're coming from like that though.
Here's my reason for STO: STO path finds meaning in being satisfied, STS finds it's meaning in being dissatisfied. I would rather be satisfied. I know it's simple, but I feel it's enough.
And the truth is, any individual who wants to be TRULY sTO must ALSO take responsibility.
So in the case of this criticism, it is probably more self projection.
Like I said, what you judge and/or condemn another for shows your own weaknesses.
Thank you for your insight. I honestly believe sharing this philosophy without evangalizing it is of positive service to us all, because it helps us look into the mirror and take in the other-self. So thank you.